TODO: I'd like to move this to a website
This repo is meant to introduce the other repos as well as introduce materials that are outside of the organization but that are related to the overall goals of the organization.
TODO: This would be better as a table. Order repos alphabetically.
- CrossRef API Python - An implementaton of the CrossRef API in Python.
- Ill_filler - Python code that fills out Interlibary loan request forms.
- pyWebForm - Code to fill out a form. This one is on hold.
- Mendeley Python - An implementation of the Mendeley API in Python along with supporting code like a syncing client.
- Pubmed Database - Code to load the Pubmed database locally and run queries locally
- PyPub - catchall code that is slowly moving into other more specific repos
- Reference Resolver - This repo should facilitate getting a list of references from a paper.
- Google Scholar
TODO: This list needs more work
- - Google Scholar
- - Mendeley's version of Python bindings for their API
TODO: This section needs work
Kramer, Bianca; Bosman, Jeroen (2015): 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication - the Changing Research Workflow. figshare. Retrieved 13:36, Oct 29, 2015 (GMT)
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