Melodio is a feature-packed music streaming app built using NextJS and TypeScript. Explore a wide range of songs, enjoy real-time search, and create personalized playlists. With user authentication, social login, and a seamless music player, Melodio offers an unparalleled musical experience. Unlock premium features with a subscription system and even upload your own music as a subscribed user. Join Melodio now and immerse yourself in a world of limitless tunes!
Live Link -
NextJS, TypeScript, RadixUI, TailwindCSS, Supabase, Stripe
Just copy all the file then run these two commands -
To install all the dependencies -
npm i
To start the project -
npm run dev
For testing a successful payment user has to use these details -
Card No.: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Date: Use a valid future date.
CVC: Any three digits.
Other fields: Feel free to use any values.