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This page covers minimum instructions to setup SasView developers envroment. If you run into and issues please visit this link, which covers quite a few solutions.
Download the latest 64-Bit Python 3.x Installer from https://repo.continuum.io/archive/ (e.g. Anaconda3-2020.11-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg or Anaconda3-2020.11-Windows-x86_64.exe) and run it.
Some Python packages installed later require the Microsoft Visual C++ 14 build tools. If not already installed, e.g. by the complete Visual Studio, use this link to download the Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools directly. That will install Visual C++ 14 without installing Visual Studio. Installation requires Administrator permissions and will require a system restart in order to build the models.
If you don't have git installed, go to the GIT section below (Step 6) for instructions, otherwise simply run
git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasview.git sasview
git clone https://github.com/SasView/sasmodels.git sasmodels
Go to folder:
And create a conda environment using the yml specific to your platform (needs to be run from top-level not within a conda virtual environment)
conda env create -f conda_qt5_win.yml
#Mac OSX
conda env create -f conda_qt5_min_osx.yml
conda env create -f conda_qt5_min_ubuntu.yml
Troubleshooting tip: The environment creation step occasionally fails during the download and installation of external packages. If you experience this issue, try updating your conda environment to the latest version. To do this, switch to the base conda environment (conda deactivate
) and then update the base conda environment using conda update conda
. Remove the failed environment installation using conda remove --name qt5_(win|osx|ubuntu)
then retry step 3.
Note that in order to build the documentation, you will require a version of GNU Make (make
command) (see Step 7).
Note 2: In time you will need to update the dependencies as they are added or changed in the yml files (see Step 8)
activate qt5_win
else if running from inside a Git Bash shell use:
source activate qt5_ubuntu
#Mac OSX
conda activate qt5_osx
conda activate qt5_ubuntu
You should be ready to run sasview. Go to sasview directory and run
python run.py
To build the documentation you will still first need to do:
python setup.py docs
Install Git for your platform by following instructions: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
When installing on Windows, it may be worthwhile to make sure "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" is selected, rather than "Use Git from Bash only". This way you can use git from the same command line as you will use Anaconda.
Set up your credentials:
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com
If you work behind proxy remmeber to configure
e.g. git config --global http.proxy
On Linux, you can obtain this with your package manager. On Windows 7, activate your new conda environment and run the following:
conda install -c conda-forge make
On Windows 10, you may find that the make
command does not work with the above method. You can find a Windows-compatible build of GNU Make here: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm Ensure that you add the install directory to your PATH.
As with the dependency installation, go to folder:
Then update your conda environment using the yml file specific to your platform (again, this should be run from top-level not within a conda virtual environment. i.e.: execute deactivate
conda env update --name qt5_win -f conda_qt5_win.yml --prune
#Mac OSX
conda env update --name qt5_min_osx -f conda_qt5_osx.yml --prune
conda env update --name qt5_min_ubuntu -f conda_qt5_ubuntu.yml --prune
- Make sure to use the name you gave your environment if different from the above.
- If you are not in your
directory you can achieve the same thing by fully specifying the path in the name directive as in
condat env update --name qt5_xx -f c:\xxx\sasview\build_tools\conda_qt5_xxx.yml --prune
- The
directive removes dependencies from the environment that are no longer in the yml file.
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