Releases: SasView/sasmodels
sasmodels 1.0.9
Sasmodels version 1.0.9 to be released with SasView 6.0.1.
What's Changed
Model Fixes
- Fixed precision problems with star polymer model at low q by @pkienzle in #625
- Improve stability of binary_hard_sphere for low q by @pkienzle in #626
Feature Enhancements
- Remove unused langevin from C library by @pkienzle in #624
- Use correct parameter table to generate C wrappers for inline C code by @pkienzle in #623
Documentation Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed typos, S(Q) calc verified with Bergström 1999 by @olihammond in #619
- Fix broken link in README for individual models by @bobleesj in #614
- Added ref. to Pedersen 1996 and a few more words of caution by @olihammond in #620
- Documentation of complex number support by @pkienzle in #628
Infrastructure Changes
- Support for numpy v2+ by @krzywon in #613
- Support for scipy 1.15 by @pkienzle in #621
- Increment version of action runner upload-artifact by @krzywon in #634
New Contributors
- @olihammond made their first contribution in #619
- @bobleesj made their first contribution in #614
Full Changelog: v1.0.8...v1.0.9
sasmodels 1.0.8
Sasmodels version 1.0.8 to be released with SasView 6.0.0.
What's Changed
- New model: Bulk ferromagnets model from marketplace
- Doc update: Archive built docs on Github
- Doc update: Display math correctly
- Fix parameter name checking in kernel call
- Fix error in FCC paracrystaline models
New Contributors
- @tsole0 made their first contribution in #572
- @astellhorn made their first contribution in #592
Full Changelog: v1.0.7...v1.0.8
sasmodels 1.0.7
Sasmodels version 1.0.7 to be released with SasView 5.0.6.
What's Changed
- Doc upate: corefunc and optimizer documentation
- Doc update: various models (cylinder, gel_fit, paracrystal, core_shell_ellipsoid)
- Fix error in BCC and FCC paracrystaline models
- Fix rare race condition causing errors
- Fix to allow multiple scattering scripts to run
- Fix problem with models containing complex amplitudes not compiling on the fly
- Restructuring and cross-linking of sasmodels docs
- Update web links and contributor list
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.0.7
sasmodels 1.0.7rc1
Sasmodels version 1.0.7rc1 to be released with SasView 5.0.6rc1.
What's Changed
- Doc upate: corefunc and optimizer documentation
- Doc update: various models (cylinder, gel_fit, paracrystal, core_shell_ellipsoid)
- Fix error in BCC and FCC paracrystaline models
- Fix rare race condition causing errors
- Fix to allow multiple scattering scripts to run
- Fix problem with models containing complex amplitudes not compiling on the fly
- Restructuring and cross-linking of sasmodels docs
- Update web links and contributor list
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.0.7rc1
sasmodels 1.0.6
Sasmodels version 1.0.6 to be released with SasView 5.0.5.
What's Changed
- implements generalized 3D description of magnetic SANS
- adds Boucher-type SLD profile to the selection in the model spherical_sld
- improves naming conventions of constants in magnetic SANS
- composite mixture models with multiplicity are now allowed
- improvements to the superball model
- fix to bug in magnetic SLD calculations
- updates to documentation
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
sasmodels 1.0.5
Sasmodels version 1.0.5 to be released with SasView 5.0.4.
sasmodels 1.0.4
Sasmodels version 1.0.4 to be released with SasView 5.0.3. Fixes plugin model testing documentation
sasmodels 1.0.3
Sasmodels version 1.0.3 to be released with SasView 5.0.3
- fix polydispersity for python models
- fix dll cache so multiple versions can coexist
- fix caching bug on pyopencl for Intel on OS/X
- fix tinycc compilation bug on windows indicating bad backslash escape
- warn if ER function is present in plugin model but not used
- restore python 2.7 support
sasmodels 1.0.2
Sasmodels version 1.0.2 to be released with SasView 5.0.2
sasmodels 1.0.1
Sasmodels 1.0.1 tagged released with sasview 5.0.1