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Day 5 .md

File metadata and controls

271 lines (197 loc) · 6.7 KB

💎 Day 5 💎

Data Fetching & Promises 🎯🚀

👉 see that 👈

URLs point to resources on the web APIs (Application Programming Interface) services that are exposing a whole bunch of data at acertin URLs**,** provide URLs that point at data we care about

Promise: 💫🌌

Object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value (represent a value that we don’t have yet)

Promises can be in 3 possible states:🔮🫧

  1. pending: still waiting for the value, hang tight
  2. fulfilled (aka resolved): finally got the value, all done
  3. rejected: sorry couldn't get the value, all done

await: ✨⚡️

await lets us tell JS to stop and wait for an asynchronous operation to finish

let response = await fetch("");

.json() 💻🔥

It's body contains the data we care about

But we have to read the body somehow

💡 Note

json() is async fun

// Calling the .json() method on the response parses its body as a JSON object
let r = await response.json()

Destructuring Data ⏳🤔

Destructuring is a fancy way of declaring multiple variables at once

By "extracting" values from an object with their property names

const spices = [{name:"Sarah", nickname:"queen"}]
let {name, nickname} = spices[0];

Use it with array ✨☄️

const [one, tow ] = [1,2]

// We can ignore the values in the array we don't need
const [,,melB] = spices;

// We can use ... to collect remaining values
 const [babySpice, ...adultSpices] = spices;

Exercise: 👩🏻‍💻🤔

	In your Doggo Fetch file, follow TODO 2 to complete the getBreedFromURL 
	function with destructuring
	The string method .split() will be useful it returns an array of substrings
	 by splitting a string at a certain character: 
let part = ""
         .split("/") // parts of url
let name =  part[4] // the name
let removed = name.split("-")
let joinedName = removed.join(" ")
let finalName = joinedName.trim() // to remove the white spaces if the name 
																	// just one word

async 🔥💫

Exercise: ✏️📝

In your Doggo Fetch file, follow TODO 3 to fill in the async function body

Use what we've learned about how to fetch, parse, and extract the data we need
async function fetchMessage(url) {
        const response = await fetch(url);  // Fetch the resource at the given URL
        const {message} = await response.json(); // Parse the response as JSON & remember its 'message' value
        return message;

createElement() 🧐🪩

In an HTML document, the document.createElement() method creates the HTML element specified by tagName

const button = document.createElement("button")

appendChild() 🎆🌟

The appendChild() method of the Node interface adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node.


Modules 🍄🍃

Modules let us split big codebases across multiple files

<script type="module">

// JS modules work differently from JS scripts

Module scope: 🎀💎

💡 Note:

We can't access variables and function in the web console

Debugging: ✏️📋

We can console.log() (or .warn() or .error()) is one way to understand what's happening when your program runs

function whyIsntThisWorking(input) {
    console.log("Well at least we got this far");
    return thingThatDoesntWork(input);

You can also use the browser's debugger to pause JS and inspect what's happening
function whyIsntThisWorking(input) {
    return thingThatDoesntWork(input);

The debugger statement creates a breakpoint where JS will pause and let you look around

💡 Notes:

  1. trim() method removes whitespace from both ends of a string and returns a new string, without modifying the original string.
  2. In JS we can creat any element we want to appeare in HTML page.

GSG Task 🔥🌠:

Task discription

My solution

Coding Exercises for challenges: 🔥💪

  1. Reuse JavaScript Code Using import My solution:
  import {uppercaseString, lowercaseString} from './string_functions.js'
// Only change code above this line

  1. Use * to Import Everything from a File My solution:
import * as stringFunctions from "./string_functions.js";
// Only change code above this line

  1. Create an Export Fallback with export default My solution:
export default  function subtract(x, y) {
  return x - y;
  1. Import a Default Export My solution:
import subtract from './math_functions.js'
// Only change code above this line

  1. Create a JavaScript Promise My solution:
const  makeServerRequest = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


Problem Solving: 💪🚀

  1. Leap Years My solution:
function isLeapYear(year) {
  return  year % 400 === 0 || (year % 100 !== 0 && year % 4 === 0)  ;
  1. Detect Pangram My solution:
function isPangram(string) {
  const lowercaseString = string.toLowerCase();
  const uniqueLetters = new Set(lowercaseString.match(/[a-z]/g));
  return uniqueLetters.size === 26;