- organise folders
- lift the state
- figure out how 'import' songs, etc. heavy lifting
- print songs in sidebar
- do it (audio handling)
- player works
- current time works
- progress bar works
progress bar works... KINDA o(≧ 口 ≦)o
- switch to pure input:range (MUCH BETTER!!! way less bugs, sacrifices on styling but can be fixed later)
- find a input:range style that is browser independent and that does not create headaches
deploy thanks to Vercel
about in sidebar?
keyboard controls (ArrowLeft, ArrowRight)
fix skewmorphism (weird looking buttons)
from PlayPause svg in button, to 'play' if not playing and 'pause' if is playing
remove 'open/close sidebar', use a svg || htmlelements instead
- animate it?
outline does not follow border-radius in iOS browsers... o((>ω< ))o
- change it to box shadow ring using Tailwind
progress bar is tiny on mobile, make it W I D E R
viewport 4 units seems not to work in iOS 16... rly??
when song has currTime > 4s and priorSong() is called, return to the start of the song
avoid duplicated musicList.json