Basically I am 🤖 Telegram bot
created by Sanjay S B
to provide the notes required by the user through simple commands allotted to each subjects of 3rd sem ECE VTU students
This Feature list involves libraries and services used for this project
🌟 Code runs in ESP32 Microcontroller
🌟 Used Universal_Telegram_Bot_Library
🌟 Used ArduinoJson Arduino library
🌟 Provides 3rd sem ECE VTU NOTES
🌟 New Messages
are fetched for every 0.1 second
🌟 Bot can be accesed by multiple user at a time
🌟 User can select the notes using ReplyKeyboard Mode
which is provided by Universal Telegram bot arduino library
🌟 Coded Used Embeded C
🌟 You can find me through this link
🌟 Data Sheet ESP32
🌟 Internal 8 MHz oscillator
🌟 ultra-low power consumption
🌟 34 × programmable GPIOs
🌟 Wi-Fi functionality (2.4 GHz), up to 150 Mbps
🌟 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)
💻 is the microchip with programming that controls a
computer's interface to its attached serial devices.
🌟 Xtensa® single-/dual-core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor(s) 1 core at 240 MHz and 2 core at 240 MHz
🌟 448 KB ROM
• 16 KB SRAM in Real time count(RTC) to monitor global time zone