I have used some of the technologies which i have gone through in my past.
Also i have learnt some new animations and tried my best.
I have also used the Language(ReactIntl) to our app to make the app understandable by all kinds of language people in future.
Also made the app in a way it can be clear understable of where to write components, actions, reducers, styles and so on.
REACT -- Used the functional component
ReactIntl -- this is to handle the language
Material Icons Material Icons Npm
Axios Axios
Immutable Immutable
React Intl Language
This app is designed with all the above technologies.
In this we have three major components which are MainPage, Pricing and Payment.
MainPage -- In this, it consists of 5 section and each has their own HTML and css styles.
Pricing -- In this, it has the description of the plans and also perk section. If we click on the select it will take to payment section according to the selection made.
Payment -- In this, it consists of all the labels and text fields to get the payment details like address and card details and also it has Download button with animations.
Perk Component
Burger Component for Menus