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Merge pull request #9 from SamurAI-Coding/README
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arukuka authored Dec 31, 2017
2 parents f17232a + 12664d6 commit e037bde
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Showing 3 changed files with 269 additions and 44 deletions.
139 changes: 128 additions & 11 deletions README-jp.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
SamurAI Jockey ゲーム用ソフトウェアについて


このディレクトリには SamurAI Coding 2017-2018 で用いるために準備中の
このディレクトリには SamurAI Coding 2017-18 で用いるために準備中の
SamurAI Jockey ゲーム用のソフトウェアが入っています。

1. ディレクトリ構成
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,15 +33,35 @@ viewer/viewer.html をブラウザで開きます。

documents ディレクトリには以下の文書が入っています。

rule-jp.pdf: ゲームのルール案
rule-en.pdf: ゲームのルール案 (英語版)
rule-jp.pdf: ゲームのルール
rule-en.pdf: ゲームのルール (英語版)
datafiles.pdf: 情報交換に用いるファイルの形式

4. インストール

実行管理システムとサンプルプレイヤについては、各ディレクトリで make を走らせてください。
インストールには C++11 対応の C++ 言語システムと boost ライブラリが必要です。

boost ライブラリについてはバージョン 1.64.0 以上が必要です。
特に Ubuntu の apt : Advanced Package Tool では

system, filesystem, program_options
ライブラリをインストールする必要があるため、 b2 プログラムに
--with-system --with-filesystem --with-program_options

試験的に boost ライブラリを静的リンクした実行管理システムのバイナリを
下記 GitHub Release ページにて配布しておりますのでご活用ください。
これを利用する際には boost のインストールは必要ありません。

Javascript を利用できるウェブブラウザーならすぐ実行できます。

Expand All @@ -50,7 +70,7 @@ Javascript を利用できるウェブブラウザーならすぐ実行できま
(1) 実行管理システム

  ./official <course file> <player0> <name0> <player1> <name1> [ <log0> <log1> ]
./official <course file> <player0> <name0> <player1> <name1> [<option>...]

<course file>:
Expand All @@ -62,9 +82,37 @@ Javascript を利用できるウェブブラウザーならすぐ実行できま
player ディレクトリで make すれば、サンプルが player/greedy にできます。
<name0>, <name1>:
Viewer の表示に使う AI プログラムの名前の文字列です。
<log0>, <log1>
これらのパス名を指定すると、AI プログラムに送ったデータのコピーを格納します。
これらを AI プレイヤの入力とすれば、デバッグに便利でしょう。
--stdinLogFile0 <filename>:
--stdinLogFile1 <filename>:
これらのパス名を指定すると、対象の AI プログラムに送ったデータのコピーを指定した格納します。
これらを AI プレイヤの入力とすれば、デバッグに便利でしょう。
--stderrLogFile0 <filename>:
--stderrLogFile1 <filename>:
これらのパス名を指定すると、対象の AI プログラムが出力した標準エラー出力のコピーと
--pauseP0 <command>:
--resumeP0 <command>:
--pauseP1 <command>:
--resumeP1 <command>:
ルールに記載されているように、「ゲーム管理システムは, 各ステップについて出力を終了した
AI の動作を一時停止し, 次ステップの情報を与える際に動作を再開させ」ます。
-h [--help]:


./official/official samples/sample-course.smrjky player/greedy 0 player/greedy 1 --stdinLogFile0 stdin0.txt --stdinLogFile1 stdin1.txt --stderrLogFile0 stderr0.txt --stderrLogFile1 stderr1.txt > gamelog.json

stdin0.txt : player0 に与えられた入力
stdin1.txt : player1 に与えられた入力
stderr0.txt : player0 の標準エラー出力とシステムメッセージ
stderr1.txt : player1 の標準エラー出力とシステムメッセージ
gamelog.json : ゲームのログ(後述の(3) レースビューワでその内容を確認できます)

(2) コース編集ソフトウェア

Expand All @@ -78,8 +126,77 @@ Javascript を利用できるウェブブラウザーならすぐ実行できま

6. 既知のバグ・未実装機能

- AI プログラムの実行についての制限が未実装
- 考慮時間の管理はまだ実装していません。
- ファイルやネットワークへのアクセスを制限していません。


付録. boost のビルド・インストール


(1) Linux

wget -O boost_1_65_1.tar.gz
tar zxvf boost_1_65_1.tar.gz
cd boost_1_65_1
sudo ./b2 install --with-system --with-filesystem --with-program_options --prefix=/usr/local

(2) Mac

brew ( をインストールされていたら
brew update
brew install boost

brew をインストールしておらず、brew をインストールしたくない方は
(1) Linux の方法に準じてください。

(3) Windows

(3-1) msys2/mingw*
msys2 ( をインストールされていたら、
mingw 環境において
pacman -Syu
pacman -Ss boost
例えば、x86_64 の msys2 をインストールしていて mingw64 環境を利用している場合
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-boost
インストールされる boost ライブラリは -mt (multi-thread) という接尾辞がついているもののみになるようです。
というコマンドを実行してください。この環境変数は make 時に利用されます。

(3-2) Visual Studio
boost ライブラリの最新バージョンの zip アーカイブを
C:\Users\<User name>\boost\<Boost Version>
ex) C:\Users\samurai\boost\boost_1_65_1
に解凍したとします。このとき C:\Users\<User name>\boost\<Boost Version> を BOOST_ROOT として環境変数に登録してください。
次に Native Tools コマンドプロンプトを開いてください。例えば Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition をインストールしていたら
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
以下のコマンドを実行します。下記コマンドは Visual Studio 2017 がインストールされた環境に合わせています。
.\b2 install toolset=msvc-14.1 --with-system --with-filesystem --with-program_options --prefix=%BOOST_ROOT%
move %BOOST_ROOT%\include\boost-1_65\boost %BOOST_ROOT%\include\boost
rd %BOOST_ROOT%\include\boost-1_65
toolset には Visual C++ のバージョンを指定します。
インストールが終了したら、トップレベルの SamurAI_Coding_2017-18_Software.sln を開くとソフトウエアをビルドするためのソリューションが開かれます。

10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,9 @@
# Software2017-18
# software for SamurAI Coding 2017-18

[![Build Status](](

[This repo]( contains software including the game manager, the course editor, the visualizer, and samples of AI programs and race courses for [SamurAI Coding 2017-18]( We develop this software using this github repository, and distribute release versions at our contest website.

When you faced any issue, we would be grateful if you could report [Issues]( and/or make [Pull requests]( We will make some reaction as soon as possible.

For the details about the software, see [this(README.txt)](./README.txt) or [this(README-jp.txt)](./README-jp.txt) first.
164 changes: 132 additions & 32 deletions README.txt
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
SamurAI Jockey Game Software


This directory contains a draft version of software for the SamurAI
Jockey game, to be used in the SamurAI Coding 2017-2018 contest.
This directory contains software for the SamurAI Jockey game,
to be used in the SamurAI Coding 2017-18 contest.

1. Directory Structure

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,54 +33,154 @@ For more details, click the "Help" button to browse the manual page.

The "documents" directory contains the following documents.

rule-en.pdf: Game rule draft
rule-jp.pdf: Game rule draft (in Japanese)
datafiles.pdf: Desciption of data file formats
rule-en.pdf: Game rule
rule-jp.pdf: Game rule (in Japanese)
datafiles.pdf: Description of data file formats (in Japanese)

4. Installation

For the execution management system and sample players,
run "make" in the respective directories.
A C++ language system conforming C++11 and the boost library is required.

For the viewer and the editor, no installation is needed.
They can be executed immediately with web browsers capable of executing Javascript.
To build the execution management system and sample players,
run "make" in the corresponding directories.
A C++ language system supporting C++11 and the Boost library are required.

The Boost library must be Version 1.64.0 or newer.
Check the version of Boost if you install it using package manager.
Especially, apt (Advanced Package Tool) on Ubuntu
cannot install Boost of the requierd version from their standard package archives.
Please get and install Boost manually referring to the following website.
You can choose full installation, but our game manager only requires
system, filesystem, program_options
libraries. So, the minimum configuration is to run b2 program with the following options:
--with-system --with-filesystem --with-program_options
Please refer to Appendix of this file for details.

We also distribute a game manager to which the Boost libraries are statically linked
(experimental) in the following GitHub Release page:
You need not install Boost if you use this.

For the viewer and the editor, no installation operation is necessary.
They can be executed on a web browser supporting Javascript.

5. Usage

(1) Execution Management System

Arguments in the command line should be specified as follows.
  ./official <course file> <player0> <name0> <player1> <name1> [ <log0> <log1> ]
The following command line arguments should be specified.
  ./official <course file> <player0> <name0> <player1> <name1> [<option>...]

<course file>:
File describing the course to be used in the race.
This is usually a file output by the editor by clicking the "Write" button.
A sample can be found in "sample/sample-course.smrjky".
This file is usually output by clicking the "Write" button on the course editor.
"sample/sample-course.smrjky" is a sample of a course file.
<player0>, <player1>:
Pathnames for executables of AI programs to compete in the race.
A sample player executable is made as "player/greedy"
Pathnames of executables of AI programs to compete in the race.
A sample player executable can be built as "player/greedy"
by running "make" in the "player" directory.
<name0>, <name1>:
Names of AI programs to be used by the race viewer.
<log0>, <log1>
When these pathnames are specified, copies of data sent to AI programs
will be stored.
These might be useful for debugging AI programs.
Names of AI programs to be used in the race viewer.
--stdinLogFile0 <filename>:
--stdinLogFile1 <filename>:
When these pathnames are specified, copies of data sent to AI programs
will be stored.
These may be useful for debugging AI programs.
--stderrLogFile0 <filename>:
--stderrLogFile1 <filename>:
When these pathnames are specified, the standard error output of AI programs
and our system messages will be stored.
These may be useful for debugging AI programs.
--pauseP0 <command>:
--resumeP0 <command>:
--pauseP1 <command>:
--resumeP1 <command>:
The Game Rule says
"At each step, the game management system suspends the execution of AI
when receiving its output has been completed, and resumes it after giving per step information".
These options are used to perform this. You need not specify these options under normal use.
-h [--help]:
Output the help message. The content is almost the same to this document.

(2) Course Editor

Open "editor/editor.html" with a web browser.
A mannual page can be found by clicking the "Help" button at top right.
A manual page can be shown by clicking the "Help" button on the top right.

(3) Race Viewer

Open "viewer/viewer.html" with a web browser.
A mannual page can be found by clicking the "Help" button at top right.

6. Known Bugs and Features Not Implemented (yet)

- Restrictions of execution of AI programs
- Management of think time is not implemented yet.
- File and network accesses are not disabled.

A manual page can be shown by clicking the "Help" button on the top right.

6. Known Bugs and Features Not Implemented yet


Latest infomation:
When you faced any issue, please report from this website or by e-mail:
Of course you can send a fix from

Appendix: How to install the Boost libraries

The followings show examples of installation operations on several platforms.

(1) Linux

Run the following commands (Please modify them as necessary).
wget -O boost_1_66_0.tar.gz
tar zxvf boost_1_66_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_66_0
sudo ./b2 install --with-system --with-filesystem --with-program_options --prefix=/usr/local

(2) Mac

If you have installed brew (, you can run following commands on terminal to install boost.
brew update
brew install boost

In case you have not installed and do not want to install brew,
follow the process written in (1) Linux.

(3) Windows

(3-1) msys2/mingw*
If you have installed msys2 (,
in mingw environment, run
pacman -Syu
to update system, and run
pacman -Ss boost
to search boost packages.
In case you use mingw64 on x86_64, you should run
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-boost
to install.
The Boost libraries installed on mingw* seem to be only those with suffix "-mt" (multi-thread).
Hence, you may need to run the following command before building our software.
This environment variable will be used in the "make" process.

(3-2) Visual Studio
Suppose that the zip archive of latest Boost libraries is extrated to the following path:
C:\Users\<User name>\boost\<Boost Version>
(e.g., C:\Users\samurai\boost\boost_1_66_0)
Then, you need to register the environment variable `BOOST_ROOT` as the path written above.
You can check this environmnet variable by the following command on a command prompt (cmd.exe).
Next, open a Native tools command prompt.
For example, if you have installed Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, execute
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
Lastly, run the following commands on the Native tools command prompt (Please modify them as necessary).
.\b2 install toolset=msvc-14.1 --with-system --with-filesystem --with-program_options --prefix=%BOOST_ROOT%
move %BOOST_ROOT%\include\boost-1_66\boost %BOOST_ROOT%\include\boost
rd %BOOST_ROOT%\include\boost-1_66
Note that you need to specify the version of Visual C++ to the "toolset" option above.
For specifying the versions other than msvc-14.1,
will be helpful.
After installation, open "SamurAI_Coding_2017-18_Software.sln" in the top level directory.
This is the solutiuon file to build our software.

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