ApexHauz is a platform where people can create and/or search properties for sale or rent
- User can sign up
- User can sign in
- User can post a property advert
- User can update the details of a property advert
- User can mark his/her posted advert as sold
- User can delete his/her property advert
- User can view all property adverts
- User can view all properties of a specific type - 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, mini flat etc
- User can view a specific property advert
- User can reset password
- User can report a posted advert as fraudulent
- User can add multiple pictures to a posted advert
- Clone or download this repository.
- Create a database called "ApexHauz_API" on your local machine.
- Run "npm install" and "npm start"...
- Reconfigure the ".env" file if neccessary...
**Note: ** For the post request the list of data below are the required data and needs to be passed in json format.
- POST /api/v1/auth/signup: Create user account
- email*
- first_name*
- last_name*
- password*
- phone*
- address*
- POST /api/v1/auth/signin: Login a user
- email*
- password*
- POST /api/v1/auth/resetpassword: Reset user password
- email*
- POST /api/v1/auth/updatepassword: Update password
- token*
- password*
- POST /api/v1/properties: Create a property advert
- owner(owner's id)*
- status
- price*
- state*
- city*
- address*
- type*
- image_url*
- PATCH /api/v1/properties/<:property-id>: Update property data
- PATCH /api/v1/properties/<:property-id>/sold: Mark a property as sold
- DELETE /api/v1/properties/<:property-id>: Delete a property advert
- GET /api/v1/properties/<:property-id>: Get a specific property by ID
- GET /api/v1/properties: Get all properties
- GET /api/v1/properties/search?type=propertyType: Get all properties with a specific type
- GET /api/v1/reports: Get all reports
- POST /api/v1/reports: Report property
- property_id*
- reason*
- description*
Thanks to these people for contributing to the maintenance of this tutorial.
![David Essien](https://github.com/davidessien925.png?size=40)
This list is maintained manually—for now—and includes (a) each person who submitted a pull request that was eventually merged into main
, and (b) each person who contributed in a different way (e.g. providing constructive feedback) and who approved of me including them in this list.