Project overview
This project is looking at sales of an UK based and registered non-store online retailer and determining whether time affects purchasing behaviour across 42 countries. The company sells unique all occasion gifts mainly to wholesale customers.
Team Members
People are more likely to shop online during a certain time of the day or week of the day.
People are more likely to shop in certain months of the year (i.e. Christmas season or end of financial year ).
People are more likely to buy in higher quantities at lower prices.
Data Source
- URL:
- Date retrieved: Tuesday 14th September 2021
- Data format: XLSX (converted to CSV)
- Author: Dr Daqing Chen, Director: Public Analytics group.
- Organisation: School of Engineering, London South Bank University, London SE1 0AA, UK.
- How was the data retrieved?: Downloaded the CSV file
- Data period: From 2009 to 2011
- Data points: Over 1 million
Data wrangling process
- Separated two tabs from Excel and saving it as two separate CSV files
- Merged two CSV files
- Removing any data points that have:
- Quantity less than zero
- Price less than zero
- Removing unspecified countries
- Rename column data
- Renamed column names
- Changed data type to appropriate type
- Splitted ‘Date and time’ into separate columns
Analysis In this project we drill down to analyse below topics;
- Volume of monthly orders per year
- Annual sale increase/decrease between 3 year of the data
- Total average volume increase/decrease between 3 year of the data
- Number of orders per day
- Average unit price of order for each day
- Money spent vs quantity purchased for all customers and trend
- Customers who spent and bought the most
The questions that this analysis answer include;
- Which Country had the highest order quantity?
- What time during the day has the most sale volume?
In addition, this analysis showcases a heatmap that presents sale correlation in each country. (NOTE:Gmaps API Key Required.)
Data Limitations
Time limitation of the dataset used for this analysis is as per below;
- Dataset is only showing information from December 2009 to the end of 2011.
- Data is only from the UK from an unknown wholesaler, restricting deeper data analysis.
- Customer information is limited to just a customer ID, restricting gender, age or demographic analysis.
- Geographic information was limited to country, which meant we could only look at country vs country.
- Finding the impacts of returns and refunds against the total sales and volume information.
There was no particular correlation between time of day or day of the week Time of year had a slight correlation with an increase sales There is a slight correlation with an increase in volume for a cheaper price We believe this is mostly because Customers for a wholesaler are more likely to be commercial, which means there is going to be larger amount of purchases during working hours and as a result of stocktake.
Further considerations
Obtain data including detailed information such as discounts, refunds, and specials that may be applied, this would allow for understanding if a loyalty program or sales is a better way to increase profitability.
Obtain data including cost and profitability so we can find other inefficiencies in sales to match the market.
Obtain more data that gives a more detailed breakdown on customers, from Commercial vs Private, as well as age, gender or location, rather than just Country and Customer ID.
"The End"