Handle authorization in your javascript applications like a boss
import { Role } from "https://deno.land/x/vigia/mod.ts";
const userRole = new Role();
["can", "make", "coffee"],
["cannot", "make", "sandwich"],
userRole.can("make", "coffee"); // true
userRole.cannot("make", "coffee"); // false
if (userRole.can("make", "coffee")) {
// work more...
} else {
// work to buy more coffee
You can choose the builder pattern to set the role permissions.
import { Role } from "https://deno.land/x/vigia/mod.ts";
const userRole = new Role();
userRole.set("can", "make", "coffee").set("cannot", "make", "sandwich");
userRole.can("make", "coffee"); // true
userRole.cannot("make", "coffee"); // false
if (userRole.can("make", "coffee")) {
// work more...
} else {
// work to buy more coffee
You can also save and/or fetch your roles by using the getRaw()
method that returns an array of abilities.
const userRole = new Role();
["can", "make", "coffee"],
["cannot", "make", "sandwich"],
userRole.getRaw(); // [ ["can", "make", "coffee"], ["cannot", "make", "sandwich"] ]