An OpenCV Project - Project name: " Hand Gesture"
Video Given below -
Steps for this program -
1- Importing necessary libraries cv2, NumPy and math
2-Now we apply gaussian blur to smoothing the image (it removes noise from image) and convert it into BGR ->HSV Image(Huge saturation value)
3-Now we use the morphological technique so that our image our feed won't lose the information.
5- We use dilate and erode morphological (as they are used to filter out the background noise) and apply the threshold to filtered images.
6- Now we will try to find the contours (as it is used for colour and shape analysis)we will find the maximum area of contour by using the function "max", "cv2.contourArea
7- Afterwards we use convex hull well its do the same thing in two different formats.
8- Now we will detect the fingertips by count_defect its not an inbuilt function but what is do is when we will apply the hand it will detect our hand
9- At last it will display the number like if count_defects ==0 it shows 1 and so on...
NOTE: There should not be anything in background or else it will detect background cosine values too..