The following scripts start from a traffic folder containing PCAP files and for each file do the following:
- Extract the dns queries in a TXT file
- Extract the network features in CSV format
- Evaluate the machine learning models and output the result\
You will need to extract the list of essential/non-essential destinations for each device following the IoTrim procedure:\
The procedure requires Moniotr and produces two lists, contained in the folder MONIOTR_DIRECTORY/YOUR_DEVICE/traffic/tagged.
You will obtain a unique txt file for Essential and Non-essential destinations.
You need the MonIoTr framework installed:
You can also edit the file to pass the device IP address, if you only need the evaluation of the ML-IoTrim models
The following libraries for python3 are required: numpy, scikit-learn, joblib, pandas
The script converts a folder of PCAP files to a folder of CSV files, obtained aggregating packets and extracting statistical features as in the paper.
The aggregation window is set by default to 60s and can be changed in the script
sudo ./ echo-dot-3 ./devices/echo-dot-3/traffic
This will extract all the features and produce the CSV windowed output
The script evaluates the machine learning model and take decision on the destinations.
We need to pass the windowed file which is the output of the previous procedure.
sudo python3 WINDOWED_CSV_FILE