(08/01/2018: As of this year, we no longer support project developed over Java scapi. Please use libscapi. libscapi is developed in C++11/14 and outperforms the Java library 2-10X in performance and memory usage. We would be happy to assit anyone who would like to contribute bindings for Java, Python or any other langauge. In excecptional cases we may offer support, you may open an issue.
SCAPI is an open-source Java library for implementing secure two-party and multiparty computation protocols (SCAPI stands for the "Secure Computation API"). It provides a reliable, efficient, and highly flexible cryptographic infrastructure.
The latest release is 2.4.0 and can be found here. Alternately you can simply clone the repository to get the latest and greatest.
Go to http://scapi.readthedocs.org/ for a prebuilt version of the current documentation. Otherwise build them yourself from the sphinx sources in the docs folder.
We also added the javadoc reference under docs/javadoc/ directory, and you can view it online here.
More information about SCAPI and the motivation behind it appears in this paper.
See the documentation for explanations, but if you get stuck we are always happy to help. Email us at scapi@biu.ac.il with any questions you have.
We will be very happy to receive contributions of new code that extends SCAPI (under the condition that it is cleanly written, well documented, and fits into the SCAPI design paradigm).
We also encourage you to open new issues and let us know of any problems you find, or any new features you feel are necessary.
SCAPI is free and is licensed under an adaptation of the MIT license. SCAPI also uses the Crypto++, Miracl, NTL and Bouncy Castle libraries. Please see those projects for any further licensing issues. We kindly request an appropriate citation from any work that uses SCAPI. See the attached license file.