Learning areas: FreeCodeCamp, Udacity, annd for ones you have to pay you know where to ask
Front End Handbook
- Introduction to programming outside academics
- Different languages and Open source for you (with git)
- Basic Unix Commands, Tools setup
- Why Git, How Git Works, Basic Git Commands
- Branching, Developer tool features
- Web Foundations (Intro to Internet, HTML, and stuff)
- Brace yourself, CSS is coming!
- UI, Tags, Elements, Attributes, Box model,
- Positioning, Typography, Layout, Lists,
- Media, Forms, Tables, Organization,
- Complex Selectors, Responsive, Grid, Flex
- Preprocessor (SCSS), Transforms, Transitions
- Animations, Advanced CSS Techniques
- Hail JavaScript
- Web with JavaScript
- Variables, Types, Operators, Conditional
- Objects, Arrays, Variables, Functions, Scope
- Closure, Hoisting, Regex, This, Constructor
- Higher Order Functions, Arrow Functions
- Object Prototypes, Prototypal Inheritance
- Async, Callbacks, Promise, Ajax, Modules
- ES6, Block-Scoped Declarations, Spread
- jQuery, DOM, Event Handling, Canvas, NPM
- Projects Showcase
- Intro to Back-end with node.js
- How web works, Client Server model
- NodeJS, Event model, File system
- Routing, MVC, Templating, Middleware
- Error Handling, REST API, GraphQL
- Aggregation framework, Authentication
- Oauth, Caching, Real-time using sockets
- Deployment
- Database is our goldmine
- Schema, Tables, Collection, CRUD, Indexing
- Joins, Relationships, Transactions
- React
- JSX, Components, Props, State, Refs
- State Management, Lifecycle Methods, Events
- Conditional Rendering, Lists, Routing, Forms
- Thinking in React, Containers, Why Redux
- Actions, Reducers, Store
- Async Flow, Async Actions, Middlewares
- Design Patterns
- Constructor, Module, Singleton Pattern
- Observer, Mediator, Prototype, Command
- Facade, Factory, Mixin, Decorator Pattern