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Swift Game Engine supporting Windows, Linux, macOS, HTML5, and more πŸš‚


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A cross platform game engine for Swift that allows you to build 2D and 3D games.
GateEngine includes intuitive APIs for loading resources, handling user inputs, and rendering content.

Platform Support:

Platform CI Graphics Audio Keyboard Mouse Touch Gamepad
WindowsΒΉ 5.8 βœ”οΈŽ β›Œ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ β›Œ βœ”οΈŽ
macOS βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ
LinuxΒ² βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ β›Œ βœ”οΈŽ
iOS/tvOS βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽiPad β›ŒtvOS/iPhone βœ”οΈŽiOS β›ŒtvOS βœ”οΈŽ
AndroidΒ³ β›Œ β›Œ β›Œ β›Œ β›Œ β›Œ
HTML5⁴ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ βœ”οΈŽ

Complete: βœ”οΈŽ | Incomplete: β›Œ | Partial: β—‘
ΒΉWindows support for Swift is in development. Latest Swift toolchain recommended.
Β²Developed and tested using Ubuntu (Debian). Fedora compatibility is unknown.
Β³Pending a community made cross compile SDK.
⁴Targeting recent versions of Safari, FireFox, Edge, and Chrome.


GateEngine is designed to give game developers access to approachable and intuitive APIs to code a game using Swift.


GateEngine has a custom math library completely coded in Swift. GameMath allows developers to write math functions using a spoken language style API. GameMath uses context aware types like Position3, Direction3, and Size3. This adds an additional layer of understanding to APIs due to the inherent context each type provides.

let position: Position3 = Position3(0, 1, 0) * Size3(1, 1, 1)
let moved: Position3 = position.moved(units, toward: direction)
let reflected: Direction3 = direction.reflected(off: surfaceNormal)
let halfway = source.interpolated(to: destination, .linear(0.5))


GateEngine has a simple and intuitive resource loading and caching API. Resources can be constructed instantly and are non-blocking. The reference returned is a cache handle and creating multiple instances of the same resource will return the same cache handle. So you don't need to worry about managing your resources. You can simply create resources wherever you need.

// Load geometry
let geometry = Geometry(path: "model.obj")

// Reused the same cache as above. No load required.
let theSameGeometry = Geometry(path: "model.obj")

A resource state lets you know when a resource is ready to be used. In many situations the resource state is checked automatically, like when rendering. The renderer will automatically skip resources that aren't ready. But in some situations you may need to check the resource state manually.

let tileMap = TileMap(path: "tilemap.tmj")
if tileMap.state == .ready {
    // ready to be accessed

GateEngine tucks error handling away. A resource failing to load is usually a development error in games. It's not typically a runtime error that needs to be handled.

Writing do-try-catch for every resource would become tedious so GateEngine places errors in the resource state. This allows you to code the game as if the resource was a value type.

Resource errors are logged automatically so you don't usually need to check them.

[GateEngine] warning: Resource "tileSet.tsj" failedToLocate
[GateEngine] warning: Resource "tileMap.tmj" failedToLocate

But if you would like to design a fail-able resource handling mechanism, you can do so by checking for the error in the resource state.

if case .failed(let error) = resource.state {
    // This error was already output as a warning


GateEngine uses a high level rendering API designed to be flexible and customizable. Rendering is done in the order things are added allowing you to easily reason about the outcome.

// Create a 2D draw container
var canvas = Canvas()

// Draw a sprite at a specific location 
canvas.insert(sprite, at: position)

// Draw the canvas inside the window

Advanced users can also leverage the lower level DrawCommand API for even more customizability.


In most cases, shaders are handled automatically. However if you need to make a custom shader, GateEngine provides an easy and intuitive solution.

GateEngine uses a Swift based shader API that allows you to write your shaders directly within your project. The shaders automatically work on every platform, and there is no cross-compile tools or files to mess with.

// "Vertex Colors" vertex shader written in Swift
let vsh = VertexShader()
let mvp = vsh.modelViewProjectionMatrix
let vertexPosition = vsh.input.geometry(0).position
vsh.output.position = mvp * Vec4(vertexPosition, 1)
vsh.output["color"] = vsh.input.geometry(0).color

// "Tinted Texture" fragment shader written in Swift
let fsh = FragmentShader()
let sample =
    at: fsh.input["texCoord0"]
fsh.output.color = sample *

Shaders are currently under development and are missing some functionality.

Getting Started

Add the package to your project like any other package.

.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.1.0"))

iOS/tvOS require an Xcode project. You cannot use a Swift Package Manager executable for iOS or tvOS.

Windows Specific Setup

Swift 5.9.0-5.9.1 Only: A linker error for dinput.lib can be fixed with a workaround here.

Linux Specific Setup

For Linux you must install dev packages for OpenGL and OpenAL. On Ubuntu the following terminal commands will install the needed packages:

sudo apt-get update --fix-missing
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev


A suite of example projects is available at GateEngine Demos.
These examples cover a variety of topics including Rendering, User Input and Scripting.

Support GateEngine!

GateEngine relies on community funding. If you appreciate this project, and want it to continue, then please consider putting some currency into it. Every little bit helps!
Support With: GitHub, Ko-fi, or Patreon.

Community & Followables

A GateEngine development blog is published on Discord here.
Discord is also a great place to ask questions or show off your creations.

Discord Twitter YouTube Reddit


GateEngine started its life in 2016 as a "for fun" project that used the typical strategy, for hobby game engine projects, of high performance and small footprint. It used a scene graph and only worked on Apple devices using OpenGL.

Engine Creation 01

I created a deferred renderer, which is a technique that can reduce work for extremely complicated triple-A games. At the time I thought this was the greatest thing ever and I really enjoyed learning about.

Engine Creation 02

Then I added lighting, which was again a really fun learning process. Being able to see results on screen is very motivating and I'm sure that's why most game engines start out as graphics libraries.

Engine Creation 03

And then I added shadow and normal mapping.

Engine Creation 04

Eventually I added skinning and UI. And I created a 3D model of myself as a test. This is an early attempt at loading files from the COLLADA format. Something was still a little off, but I did eventually fix it 😜

Engine Creation 05

And I still needed to actually build the "engine" part. At this point the engine was just a graphics simulation. Drawing stuff is actually a fairly small portion of what a game engine does. I eventually learned about collision and different data techniques like Entity-Component-System.

And thats when I started the re-writes...

Developing an engine is a large learning process. Every time you come up with a good way to do it, you will come up with a better way before you're done implementing the previous way. At the beginning, iterations are complete rewrites and over time the iterations become more fine grained.

Slowly, my skill at making engines caught up to the designs I was creating and GateEngine began to stabilize. It was at this point that I realized I wasn't making any games. I was just building tech demos.

So I decided on my first 3D game. Espionage is a 3D stealth action game that I'm still working on today. It's inspired by the games I grew up with, and it's the kind of game I always wanted to make.

Espionage Screenshot

It's a very big project and it will likely take me a very long time to finish it as a solo developer. I personally prefer large projects.

I haven't yet been enticed to join a game jam, but perhaps that would be fun experience to try at some point. Maybe we'll have a GateJam someday!

Anyway, GateEngine was a massive undertaking, and was created to be enjoyed. So go make something awesome of your own!