This repository is to release the baselines of Singing Voice Conversion (SVC) task. To know more about SVC, you can read this tutorial.
Now, it contains one model: WORLD-based SVC.
We adopt two public datasets, Opencpop [1] and M4Singer [2], to conduct many-to-one singing voice conversion. Specifically, we consider Opencpop (which is a single singer dataset) as target singer and use M4Singer (which is a 20-singer dataset) as source singers.
[1] Yu Wang, et al. Opencpop: A High-Quality Open Source Chinese Popular Song Corpus for Singing Voice Synthesis. InterSpeech 2022.
[2] Lichao Zhang, et al. M4Singer: a Multi-Style, Multi-Singer and Musical Score Provided Mandarin Singing Corpus. NeurIPS 2022.
This model is proposed by Xin Chen, et al:
Xin Chen, et al. Singing Voice Conversion with Non-parallel Data. IEEE MIPR 2019.
As the figure above shows, there are two main modules of it, Content Extractor and Singer-specific Synthesizer. Given a source audio, firstly the Content Extractor is aim to extract content features (i.e., singer independent features) from the audio. Then, the Singer-specific Synthesizer is designed to inject the singer dependent features for the synthesis, so that the target audio can be able to capture the singer's characteristics.
We can utilize the following two stages to conduct any-to-one conversion:
- Acoustics Mapping Training (Training Stage): This stage is to train the mapping from the textual content features (eg: PPG) to the target singer's acoustic features (eg: SP or MCEP).
- Inference and Conversion (Conversion Stage): Given any source singer's audio, firstly, extract its content features including F0, AP, and textual content features. Then, use the model of training stage to infer the converted acoustic features (SP or MCEP). Finally, given F0, AP, and the converted SP, we utilize WORLD as vocoder to synthesis the converted audio.
Strongly recommend to use Google Colab. You could ignore this if you have NVIDIA A100/V100 or RTX 4090/80.
## If you need CUDA support, add "--extra-index-url" in this following
pip install torch==1.13.1 torchaudio==0.13.1
pip install pyworld==0.3.2
pip install diffsptk==0.5.0
pip install tqdm
pip install openai-whisper
pip install tensorboard
After you download the datasets, you need to modify the path configuration in
# To avoid ambiguity, you are supposed to use absolute path.
# Please configure the path of your downloaded datasets
dataset2path = {"Opencpop": "[Your Opencpop path]",
"M4Singer": "[Your M4Singer path]"}
# Please configure the root path to save your data and model
root_path = "[Root path for saving data and model]"
Transform the original Opencpop transcriptions to JSON format:
cd preprocess
Select some utterance samples that will be converted. We randomly sample 5 utterances for every singer:
cd preprocess
During training stage, we aim to train a mapping from textual content features to the target singer's acoustic features. In the implementation: (1) For output, we use 40d MCEP features as ground truth. (2) For input, we utilize the last layer encoder's output of Whisper as the content features (which is 1024d). (3) For acoustic model, we adopt a 6-layer Transformer.
To obtain MCEP features, first we adopt PyWORLD to extract spectrum envelope (SP) features, and then transform SP to MCEP by using diffsptk:
cd preprocess
For hyparameters, we use 44100 Hz sampling rate and 10 ms frame shift.
To extract whisper features, we utilze the pretrained multilingual models of Whisper (specifically, medium
cd preprocess
Note: If you face out of memory
errors, open preprocess/
and go to line 55. You could try to reduce the default batch_size
of extract_whisper_features(dataset, dataset_type, batch_size=80)
. You could also go to line 99 to use a more suitable model.
This step may cost some time. Relax and take a sleep :)
If you are using Colab, you may need to reduce the total size of training data or divide 500 epoches into multiple runnings, due to the free time limit of Google Colab. See this link for more info.
cd model
During training, you can listen to the predicted audio samples in the folder <root_path>/model/ckpts/Opencpop/<experiment_name>
at different loss levels. You could expect to listen samples of good intelligibility after 100 epochs.
To obtain the infered MCEP features of M4Singer singers:
cd model
At last, synthesis the converted audios using WORLD:
cd model