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SKitLs-dev edited this page Mar 30, 2024 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the project Wiki. The documentation is still being updated.


Framework Overview

Status summaries of the modules and documentations is provided below:

Module Status Documentation Description
.Core stable 70% An essential core module that contains main architecture and logic that handles and casts incoming updates.
.Stateful waiting for update 0% Allows to define Stateful Users. Actions would be executed only if user's state matches action condition (kinda of a simplified Orleans Grains model).
.ArgedInteractions stable 100% Helps to create more complicated actions with arguments and other. Especially perfect for callbacks.
.AdvencedMessages stable 10% Helps to organize more complicated messages sending, inc. Messages Editing, Dynamic Messages (depending on update's content), enabling menus and other.
.PageNavs stable 0% Allows to create custom menus with navigation bar and history (as in BotFather).
.BotProcesses WIP 0% Helps to realize simple step-by-step inputs.
.DataBases WIP 0% Powerful tool that can help you to create light-weight storages
.BotCLI idea - Provides built-in CLI interface for bot configuring.


Core Module

Arged Interactions Module


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