[Live Preview](https://cra-app-18.vercel.app/)
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
Step One: Setting the Stage with Vite Installation
installing Vite and React-related libraries as development dependencies. Run the following commands in
your project’s root directory:npm install vite @vitejs/plugin-react --save-dev npm uninstall react-scripts
Step Two: Updating package.json for Vite Commands
the “scripts” section of your package.json file to use Vite’s commands:
"scripts": { "start": "vite", "build": "vite build", "serve": "vite preview" }, Step Three: Renaming File Extensions to .jsx or .tsx
- React JS (18.0.2)
- Bulma CSS (0.9.4)
- React-Router-Dom (V6)
- Aixos
- Context API
- React-Query
- Redux-Toolkit
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
npm install axios
npm i react-query
npm install react-redux
npm i react-router-dom
Icons use are free and open source icons
Some icons are taken from Bootstrap Icons ,Font Awesome icons,Feather Icons
- Password Generator
- Pagination
- Counter
- LoginPageWithDefault
- Random Color Generator
- Shop
- Coin Exchange
- Date Picker
- Date Picker Max
- Form Validation
- Search
- Select
- Random Quotes
- Age Validation
- Leap Year Checker
- LoginPageWithAPI
- Currency Converter
- Data Fetch
- Github API
- Typeahead
- Tip Calulator
- LightToDarkMode
- Country Detail
- Year Calculator
- Toggle Password Visibility
- Populate Data in table
- Testimonial Slider
- OTP Checker