All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- "Wrong password" info in StackView to hide per default (before the message was shown for some ms)
- Using recursive helper functions to convert Container <-> Lua table
- Update to EmmyLua annotations
- Usage of lua diagnostics
- Documentation updates
- Using internal moduleName variable to be usable in merged apps instead of _APPNAME, as this did not work with PersistentData module in merged apps.
- Hide parameter setup if not logged in
- Loading only required APIs ('LuaLoadAllEngineAPI = false') -> less time for GC needed
- Update of helper funcs to support 4-dim tables for PersistentData
- Minor code edits / docu updates
- Changed status type of user levels from string to bool, so it is more consistent for other modules to handle the status (e.g. to disable UI elements)
- Renamed page folder accordingly to module name
- Updated documentation
- User "Admin" cannot be deleted
- Initial commit