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REST API services

LiDAR-LOC can be configured using a JSON REST API. This API is available using ROS services (on ROS-1 and ROS-2) or commandline tool gen_service_call (on all target systems). See the operation manual for details on the commands supported by the JSON REST API.


The tool gen_service_call sends requests to the localization server via http REST API and returns its response. It supports Linux and Windows, native and ROS.


gen_service_call <command> <method> <jsondata> [options]

with the following commandline options:

<command>: name of command (service request), f.e. LocIsSystemReady or LocStart
<method>: GET or POST
<jsondata>: parameter as json string, f.e. {}
--hostname=<ip-address>: ip address of the localization server, default:
--verbose=0: silent mode, default: 1 (print response)
--output=<outputfile>: write response to <outputfile>, default: no outputfile
--append=<outputfile>: append response to <outputfile>, default: no outputfile
--help: print usage and options

The following table lists supported commands using gen_service_call (supported on Linux and Windows, native and ROS):

command example description
LocGetErrorLevel gen_service_call
LocGetErrorLevel POST "{}"
Returns the error level of the software
LocIsSystemReady gen_service_call
LocIsSystemReady POST "{}"
Checks if the localization controller is booted and ready to process commands
LocAutoStartSavePose gen_service_call
LocAutoStartSavePose POST "{}"
Saves the current pose on-request for the automatic start of the application software
LocClearMapCache gen_service_call
LocClearMapCache POST "{}"
Removes the cached maps from the RAM of the device
LocGetMap gen_service_call
LocGetMap POST "{}"
Returns the current map path relative to maps folder or absolute if it is not in maps folder
LocGetSystemState gen_service_call
LocGetSystemState POST "{}"
Get the current system state
LocInitializeAtPose gen_service_call
LocInitializeAtPose POST
"{\"data\": {\"x\":1000, \"y\":1000, \"yaw\":1000, \"searchRadius\":1000}}"
Initializes the localization automatically at the given pose by matching against the mapped contours
LocLoadMapToCache gen_service_call
LocLoadMapToCache POST
"{\"data\": {\"mapPath\": \"test.vmap\"}}"
Loads a map to RAM of the device if not already loaded
LocRequestTimestamp gen_service_call
LocRequestTimestamp POST "{}"
Request the current system time of the localization controller and generate a hardware pulse
LocResumeAtPose gen_service_call
LocResumeAtPose POST
"{\"data\": {\"x\":1000, \"y\":1000, \"yaw\":1000}}"
Resets the pose estimate to the given pose
LocSaveRingBufferRecording gen_service_call
LocSaveRingBufferRecording POST
"{\"data\": {\"reason\": \"pose quality low\"}}"
Saves the most recent data from the continuous ring buffer recording
LocSetKinematicVehicle ModelActive gen_service_call
LocSetKinematicVehicle ModelActive POST "{\"data\": {\"active\":true}}"
Activates or deactivates usage of the kinematic model to improve localization
LocSetLinesForSupportActive gen_service_call
LocSetLinesForSupportActive POST
"{\"data\": {\"active\":true}}"
Actives / deactivates the use of the magnetic / optical line sensor for localization
LocSetMap gen_service_call
LocSetMap POST
"{\"data\": {\"mappath\":\"test.vmap\"}}"
Load a map
LocSetMappingActive gen_service_call
LocSetMappingActive POST
"{\"data\": {\"active\":true}}"
Activates / deactivates mapping while localizing
LocSetOdometryActive gen_service_call
LocSetOdometryActive POST
"{\"data\": {\"active\":true}}"
Enable or disable the support of odometry to enhance the robustness of the contour localization algorithm
LocSetRecordingActive gen_service_call
LocSetRecordingActive POST
"{\"data\": {\"active\":true}}"
Starts or stops the recording of sensor data
LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive gen_service_call
LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive POST
"{\"data\": {\"active\":true}}"
Enable or disable the continuous recording of data for improved support in critical situations
LocStart gen_service_call
LocStart POST "{}"
Start the localization
LocStop gen_service_call
LocStop POST "{}"
Stop the localization or the demo mapping and return to IDLE state
LocSwitchMap gen_service_call
LocSwitchMap POST
"{\"data\": {\"subMapName\": \"test.vmap\"}}"
Transits to the given sub map if close enough to a transition point between the current and the given sub map
LocGetLocalizationStatus gen_service_call
LocGetLocalizationStatus POST "{}"
Returns the localization status
LocGetSoftwareVersion gen_service_call
LocGetSoftwareVersion POST "{}"
Returns the software version
LocLoadPersistentConfig gen_service_call
LocLoadPersistentConfig POST "{}"
Reloads the persistent lidarloc configuration file

Note: The table above lists the commands in their recommended long format, with "POST" in second and a json string in the third command line argument.

  • Argument "POST" is optional. If not specified, the method is determined from the service name.
  • Json argument "{}" is optional. If no json data given, "{}" is assumed.
  • The json string can be shorten to ROS-format without quotation or keyword "data". F.e. ./gen_service_call LocInitializeAtPose "{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000, searchRadius: 1000}"

The following table lists supported commands in their shortest form:

command example description
LocGetErrorLevel gen_service_call
Returns the error level of the software
LocIsSystemReady gen_service_call
Checks if the localization controller is booted and ready to process commands
LocAutoStartSavePose gen_service_call
Saves the current pose on-request for the automatic start of the application software
LocClearMapCache gen_service_call
Removes the cached maps from the RAM of the device
LocGetMap gen_service_call
Returns the current map path relative to maps folder or absolute if it is not in maps folder
LocGetSystemState gen_service_call
Get the current system state
LocInitializeAtPose gen_service_call
"{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000, searchRadius: 1000}"
Initializes the localization automatically at the given pose by matching against the mapped contours
LocLoadMapToCache gen_service_call
"{mapPath: \"test.vmap\"}"
Loads a map to RAM of the device if not already loaded
LocRequestTimestamp gen_service_call
Request the current system time of the localization controller and generate a hardware pulse
LocResumeAtPose gen_service_call
"{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000}"
Resets the pose estimate to the given pose
LocSaveRingBufferRecording gen_service_call
"{reason: \"pose quality low\"}}"
Saves the most recent data from the continuous ring buffer recording
LocSetKinematicVehicleModelActive gen_service_call
"{active: true}"
Activates or deactivates usage of the kinematic model to improve localization
LocSetLinesForSupportActive gen_service_call
"{active: true}"
Actives / deactivates the use of the magnetic / optical line sensor for localization
LocSetMap gen_service_call
"{mappath: \"test.vmap\"}}"
Load a map
LocSetMappingActive gen_service_call
"{active: true}"
Activates / deactivates mapping while localizing
LocSetOdometryActive gen_service_call
"{active: true}"
Enable or disable the support of odometry to enhance the robustness of the contour localization algorithm
LocSetRecordingActive gen_service_call
"{active: true}"
Starts or stops the recording of sensor data
LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive gen_service_call
"{active: true}"
Enable or disable the continuous recording of data for improved support in critical situations
LocStart gen_service_call
Start the localization
LocStop gen_service_call
Stop the localization or the demo mapping and return to IDLE state
LocSwitchMap gen_service_call
"{subMapName: \"test.vmap\"}}"
Transits to the given sub map if close enough to a transition point between the current and the given sub map
LocGetLocalizationStatus gen_service_call
Returns the localization status
LocGetSoftwareVersion gen_service_call
Returns the software version
LocLoadPersistentConfig gen_service_call
Reloads the persistent lidarloc configuration file

Note: For clarity reasons, the long form with explicit "POST" and json arguments is recommended.

gen_service_call examples:

# long format (recommend)
./build/gen_service_call LocIsSystemReady POST "{}" -d=2
./build/gen_service_call LocGetMap POST "{}" -d=2
./build/gen_service_call LocGetSystemState POST "{}" -d=2
./build/gen_service_call LocSetMappingActive POST "{\"data\":{\"active\": true}}" -d=2
./build/gen_service_call LocSetOdometryActive POST "{\"data\":{\"active\": true}}" -d=2
./build/gen_service_call LocStop POST "{}" -d=2
./build/gen_service_call LocStart POST "{}" -d=2
# short form
./build/gen_service_call LocIsSystemReady
./build/gen_service_call LocGetMap
./build/gen_service_call LocGetSystemState
./build/gen_service_call LocSetMappingActive "{active: true}"
./build/gen_service_call LocSetOdometryActive "{active: true}"
./build/gen_service_call LocStop
./build/gen_service_call LocStart

Output examples (test against SIM1000FX):

./build/gen_service_call LocIsSystemReady POST "{}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocIsSystemReady POST {} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "IsSystemReady", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}"
gen_service_call request: IsSystemReady, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"

./build/gen_service_call LocGetMap POST "{}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocGetMap POST {} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "LocGetMap", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"mapPath":"2020-12-21_CNord_40m_v0.vmap"}}"
gen_service_call request: LocGetMap, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"mapPath":"2020-12-21_CNord_40m_v0.vmap"}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"

./build/gen_service_call LocGetSystemState POST "{}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocGetSystemState POST {} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "LocGetSystemState", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"systemState":"Localization"}}"
gen_service_call request: LocGetSystemState, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"systemState":"Localization"}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"

./build/gen_service_call LocSetMappingActive POST "{\"data\":{\"active\":true}}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocSetMappingActive POST {"data":{"active":true}} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "LocSetMappingActive", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}"
gen_service_call request: LocSetMappingActive, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"data\":{\"active\":true}}"

./build/gen_service_call LocSetOdometryActive POST "{\"data\":{\"active\":true}}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocSetOdometryActive POST {"data":{"active":true}} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "LocSetOdometryActive", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}"
gen_service_call request: LocSetOdometryActive, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"data\":{\"active\":true}}"

./build/gen_service_call LocStop POST "{}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocStop POST {} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "LocStop", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}"
gen_service_call request: LocStop, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"

./build/gen_service_call LocStart POST "{}" -d=2
gen_service_call LocStart POST {} --hostname= --verbose=1
INFO : curl send http POST request "LocStart", response: "{"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}"
gen_service_call request: LocStart, response: {"header":{"status":0,"message":"Ok"},"data":{"success":true}}
curl command: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"

Note: A REST-API can be served with tool curl, too. gen_service_call with option -d=2 prints the corresponding curl command, f.e.:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"data\":{\"active\":true}}"
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"data\":{\"active\":true}}"
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{}"

ROS-1 services

The following table lists the same commands using ROS1 services:

command example
LocGetErrorLevel rosservice call LocGetErrorLevel "{}"
LocIsSystemReady rosservice call LocIsSystemReady "{}"
LocAutoStartSavePose rosservice call LocAutoStartSavePose "{}"
LocClearMapCache rosservice call LocClearMapCache "{}"
LocGetMap rosservice call LocGetMap "{}"
LocGetSystemState rosservice call LocGetSystemState "{}"
LocInitializeAtPose rosservice call LocInitializeAtPose
"{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000, searchradius: 1000}"
LocLoadMapToCache rosservice call LocLoadMapToCache
"{mappath: \"test.vmap\"}"
LocRequestTimestamp rosservice call LocRequestTimestamp "{}"
LocResumeAtPose rosservice call LocResumeAtPose
"{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000}"
LocSaveRingBufferRecording rosservice call LocSaveRingBufferRecording
"{reason: \"pose quality low\"}"
LocSetKinematicVehicle ModelActive rosservice call LocSetKinematicVehicle ModelActive "{active: true}"
LocSetLinesForSupportActive rosservice call LocSetLinesForSupportActive
"{active: true}"
LocSetMap rosservice call LocSetMap
"{mappath: \"test.vmap\"}"
LocSetMappingActive rosservice call LocSetMappingActive
"{active: true}"
LocSetOdometryActive rosservice call LocSetOdometryActive
"{active: true}"
LocSetRecordingActive rosservice call LocSetRecordingActive
"{active: true}"
LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive rosservice call LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive
"{active: true}"
LocStart rosservice call LocStart "{}"
LocStop rosservice call LocStop "{}"
LocSwitchMap rosservice call LocSwitchMap
"{submapname: \"test.vmap\"}"
LocGetLocalizationStatus rosservice call LocGetLocalizationStatus "{}"
LocGetSoftwareVersion rosservice call LocGetSoftwareVersion "{}"
LocLoadPersistentConfig rosservice call LocLoadPersistentConfig "{}"

ROS-1 examples:

source ./install/setup.bash 
roslaunch sick_lidar_localization sick_lidar_localization.launch &
rosservice call LocIsSystemReady "{}"
rosservice call LocGetMap "{}"
rosservice call LocGetSystemState "{}"
rosservice call LocSetMappingActive "{active: true}"
rosservice call LocSetOdometryActive "{active: true}"
rosservice call LocGetSystemState "{}"
rosservice call LocStop "{}"
rosservice call LocStart "{}"

Output examples (test examples against SIM1000FX):

source ./install/setup.bash 
roslaunch sick_lidar_localization sick_lidar_localization.launch &
[ INFO] [1626875179.228541385]: sick_lidar_localization hostname:= serverpath:=api verbose:=0 started.
[ INFO] [1626875179.236288641]: SiclLocIsSystemReady: 1
[ INFO] [1626875293.929300215]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocIsSystemReady", "POST", "{}"): success=1
success: True
rosservice call LocGetMap "{}"
[ INFO] [1626875294.835960400]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocGetMap", "POST", "{}"): mapPath="2020-12-21_CNord_40m_v0.vmap"
mappath: "2020-12-21_CNord_40m_v0.vmap"
success: True
rosservice call LocGetSystemState "{}"
[ INFO] [1626875295.768499718]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocGetSystemState", "POST", "{}"): systemState="Localization"
systemstate: "Localization"
success: True
rosservice call LocSetMappingActive "{active: true}"
[ INFO] [1626875296.680080532]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocSetMappingActive", "POST", "{"data":{"active":true}}"): success=1
success: True
rosservice call LocSetOdometryActive "{active: true}"
[ INFO] [1626875297.605719365]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocSetOdometryActive", "POST", "{"data":{"active":true}}"): success=1
success: True
rosservice call LocGetSystemState "{}"
[ INFO] [1626875299.437070523]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocGetSystemState", "POST", "{}"): systemState="Localization"
systemstate: "Localization"
success: True
rosservice call LocStop "{}"
[ INFO] [1626875300.376469527]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocStop", "POST", "{}"): success=1
success: True
rosservice call LocStart "{}"
[ INFO] [1626875302.384810233]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocStart", "POST", "{}"): success=1
success: True

ROS-2 services

The following table lists the same commands using ROS2 services:

command example
LocGetErrorLevel ros2 service call LocGetErrorLevel sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetErrorLevelSrv "{}"
LocIsSystemReady ros2 service call LocIsSystemReady sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocIsSystemReadySrv "{}"
LocAutoStartSavePose ros2 service call LocAutoStartSavePose sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocAutoStartSavePoseSrv "{}"
LocClearMapCache ros2 service call LocClearMapCache sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocClearMapCacheSrv "{}"
LocGetMap ros2 service call LocGetMap sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetMapSrv "{}"
LocGetSystemState ros2 service call LocGetSystemState sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetSystemStateSrv "{}"
LocInitializeAtPose ros2 service call LocInitializeAtPose sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocInitializeAtPoseSrv
"{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000, searchradius: 1000}"
LocLoadMapToCache ros2 service call LocLoadMapToCache sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocLoadMapToCacheSrv
"{mappath: \"test.vmap\"}"
LocRequestTimestamp ros2 service call LocRequestTimestamp sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocRequestTimestampSrv "{}"
LocResumeAtPose ros2 service call LocResumeAtPose sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocResumeAtPoseSrv
"{x: 1000, y: 1000, yaw: 1000}"
LocSaveRingBufferRecording ros2 service call LocSaveRingBufferRecording sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSaveRingBufferRecordingSrv
"{reason: \"pose quality low\"}"
LocSetKinematicVehicle ModelActive ros2 service call LocSetKinematicVehicle ModelActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetKinematicVehicleModelActiveSrv "{active: true}"
LocSetLinesForSupportActive ros2 service call LocSetLinesForSupportActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetLinesForSupportActiveSrv
"{active: true}"
LocSetMap ros2 service call LocSetMap sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetMapSrv
"{mappath: \"test.vmap\"}"
LocSetMappingActive ros2 service call LocSetMappingActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetMappingActiveSrv
"{active: true}"
LocSetOdometryActive ros2 service call LocSetOdometryActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetOdometryActiveSrv
"{active: true}"
LocSetRecordingActive ros2 service call LocSetRecordingActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetRecordingActiveSrv
"{active: true}"
LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive ros2 service call LocSetRingBufferRecordingActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetRingBufferRecordingActiveSrv
"{active: true}"
LocStart ros2 service call LocStart sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocStartSrv "{}"
LocStop ros2 service call LocStop sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocStopSrv "{}"
LocSwitchMap ros2 service call LocSwitchMap sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSwitchMapSrv
"{submapname: \"test.vmap\"}"
LocGetLocalizationStatus ros2 service call LocGetLocalizationStatus sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetLocalizationStatusSrv "{}"
LocGetSoftwareVersion ros2 service call LocGetSoftwareVersion sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetSoftwareVersionSrv "{}"
LocLoadPersistentConfig ros2 service call LocLoadPersistentConfig sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocLoadPersistentConfigSrv "{}"

ROS-2 examples:

source ./install/setup.bash 
ros2 run sick_lidar_localization sick_lidar_localization ./src/sick_lidar_localization/launch/sick_lidar_localization.launch &
ros2 service call LocIsSystemReady sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocIsSystemReadySrv "{}"
ros2 service call LocGetMap sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetMapSrv "{}"
ros2 service call LocGetSystemState sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetSystemStateSrv "{}"
ros2 service call LocSetMappingActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetMappingActiveSrv "{active: true}"
ros2 service call LocSetOdometryActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetOdometryActiveSrv "{active: true}"
ros2 service call LocStop sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocStopSrv "{}"
ros2 service call LocStart sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocStartSrv "{}"

Output examples (test examples against SIM1000FX):

source ./install/setup.bash 
ros2 run sick_lidar_localization sick_lidar_localization ./src/sick_lidar_localization/launch/sick_lidar_localization.launch &
[INFO] [1626874790.998263796] [sick_lidar_localization]: sick_lidar_localization hostname:= serverpath:=api verbose:=0 started.
[INFO] [1626874791.008931314] [sick_lidar_localization]: LocIsSystemReady: 1
ros2 service call LocIsSystemReady sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocIsSystemReadySrv "{}"
[INFO] [1626874807.690028213] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("IsSystemReady", "POST", "{}"): success=1
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocIsSystemReadySrv_Response(success=True)
ros2 service call LocGetMap sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetMapSrv "{}"
[INFO] [1626874808.446064372] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocGetMap", "POST", "{}"): mapPath="2020-12-21_CNord_40m_v0.vmap"
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocGetMapSrv_Response(mappath='2020-12-21_CNord_40m_v0.vmap', success=True)
ros2 service call LocGetSystemState sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocGetSystemStateSrv "{}"
[INFO] [1626874809.237483802] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocGetSystemState", "POST", "{}"): systemState="Localization"
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocGetSystemStateSrv_Response(systemstate='Localization', success=True)
ros2 service call LocSetMappingActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetMappingActiveSrv "{active: true}"
[INFO] [1626874809.783162484] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocSetMappingActive", "POST", "{"data":{"active":true}}"): success=1
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocSetMappingActiveSrv_Response(success=True)
ros2 service call LocSetOdometryActive sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocSetOdometryActiveSrv "{active: true}"
[INFO] [1626874810.621453095] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocSetOdometryActive", "POST", "{"data":{"active":true}}"): success=1
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocSetOdometryActiveSrv_Response(success=True)
ros2 service call LocStop sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocStopSrv "{}"
[INFO] [1626874812.001814744] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocStop", "POST", "{}"): success=1
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocStopSrv_Response(success=True)
ros2 service call LocStart sick_lidar_localization/srv/LocStartSrv "{}"
[INFO] [1626874813.582692773] [sick_lidar_localization]: SickServices::serviceCb("LocStart", "POST", "{}"): success=1
response: sick_lidar_localization.srv.LocStartSrv_Response(success=True)