My name is Shradha Yewale and I am currently pursuing Masters in Computer Software Enginerring at San Jose State University and will graduate in May 2023. I have 3+ years of work experience in software engineering field. My Core competencies include Java, Spring boot, Typescript, Node JS, React JS, REST API development, Web Development, Data Structures, and Algorithms.
CueBack [Software Development Engineering Intern]
Amazon Web Service [Software Development Engineering Intern]
Mastercard [Software Development Engineer]
- [Jet fighter Game with Design Patterns]
- [Simulation of (FullStack)]
- [UberEats Application Prototype (FullStack)]
- [React Marketplace Application (FullStack)]
- { } Programming Languages - Java, Typescript, Javascript, Python.
- 🧰 Frameworks/Tools - Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JDBC, Gradle, Maven, Git, Jenkins, SonarQube, Swagger, Mockito Junit, Jest.
- 💻 Web Development - React JS, Node JS, ExpressJS, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, GraphQL.
- 🗄 Database Management Systems - MySQL, PostgerSQL, MongoDB, AWS RDS SQL server, AWS DynamoDB.
- ☁ Cloud Technologies - AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS Cloudwatch, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudFront, Docker.
- 🥸 Other Tools and Technologies - REST APIs, Microservices, JSON, Git, Bitbucket, Confluence, Jira, Intellij, Eclipse.
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