A cli tool can help you build PreRender page.You can also use it to build skeleton for your web app.
If you want to generate skeleton, you can do like this.
npm install prerender-cli -g
In your project root, create prerender.config.js
// prerender.config.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
server: {
// the path to your build result
staticDir: path.resolve(__dirname, './testDist')
routes: [
// the route to render
path: '/page1/index.html',
// If your page have cdn path, you can use to mapping to local path
cdnMaps: [
regExp: /other.domain.com/g,
targetPath: '/page1',
regExp: /other.domain2.com/g,
targetPath: '/page1',
// it will inject it to window,before render the preRender page.
// this config will do like this window['isPreRender'] = true
injectConfig: {
propertyName: 'isPreRender',
value: true,
build-prerender -c yourConfig.js
export interface IServerConfig {
port?: number; // the static server port,default 8888
staticDir: string; // the path to your build result
export interface IRoute {
// the route of render page
path: string;
// the path of the render html will be output to.
// default to the staticPath
outputPath?: string;
// wait to render unit the element exit using by `document.querySelector`
captureAfterElementExists?: string | string[];
// wait to render unit the event is dispatched on the document.
// with document.dispatchEvent(new Event('yourEventName'))
captureAfterDocumentEvent?: string;
// Wait to render until a certain amount of time has passed.
captureAfterTime?: number;
export interface IPreRenderConfig {
routes: IRoute[];
// For example: proxy //other.domain.com/js/chunk-vendors.f8844798.js to /page1/js/chunk-vendors.f8844798.js
* {
* regExp: /other.domain.com/g,
* targetPath: '/page1',
* },
regExp: RegExp;
targetPath: string;
server: IServerConfig;
// it will inject to window
* window.isPreRender = true;
* propertyName: 'isPreRender',
* value: true,
injectConfig?: {
propertyName: string;
// emulate device
// https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts
deviceName?: string;
plugins?: PreRenderCliPlugin[];
It like SSR(Server Side Rendering).But if you project want to use SSR, there is some reason why that is not a great idea.
- It is difficult for most of project to rebuild by ssr.
- You need to maintain a SSR services.
prerender-cli will use puppeteer to load page and build prerender page html. It will inject prerender page html to the entry html.
It will proxy the api which in the page.
// prerender.config.js
const PreRenderCliHttpProxyPlugin = require('prerender-cli-http-proxy');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new PreRenderCliHttpProxyPlugin([
path: '/api',
options: {
target: 'https://www.api.server.com',
path: '/api2',
options: {
target: 'https://www.api2.server.com',
it dependence on express-mock-api-middleware
// /mock/userInfo.js
module.exports = {
'GET /api/user/info': {
id: 101,
userName: 'bob',
email: 'bob@gmail.com',
firstName: 'Bob',
lastName: 'Bushee',
'POST /api/user/login': (req, res) => {
const { userName, password } = req.body;
if (userName === 'bob' && password === 'password') {
success: true,
} else {
success: false,
'GET /api/product/:id': (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params;
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, `products/${id}.json`));
// prerender.config.js
const PrerenderCliMock = require('prerender-cli-mock');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new PrerenderCliMock({
path: path.resolve(__dirname, './mock'),
export interface ICompiler {
hooks: any;
export abstract class PreRenderCliPlugin<T> {
protected config: T;
public abstract apply(compiler: ICompiler): void;
compiler.hooks.beforeStartStaticServer.tap('Plugin Name', (app: Express) => {})
compiler.hooks.beforeLoadPage.tapAsync('Plugin Name', async (page: Page) => {});
compiler.hooks.afterCapture.tapAsync('Plugin Name', async (page: Page) => {});