I'm Shesh Kumar Mishra, an experienced software engineer with over 11 years of expertise in designing and implementing high-performance, secure, and user-friendly web applications. Based in India, I am passionate about crafting client-centric solutions, leading development teams, and staying ahead of industry trends to deliver cutting-edge results.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on CRM portal development, leveraging OOP and APIs like JIRA Service Desk API and RingCentral API for CRM integration at Netcom Learning.
- 🌱 I’m currently exploring API development with Node.js and MongoDB and many more...
- 💬 Ask me about PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Node.js, React.js, Drupal 9, AWS, and more.
- 📫 How to reach me: mishrakshesh14287@gmail.com | GitHub
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- Programming Languages: PHP, JavaScript
- Frameworks: Laravel, CodeIgniter, Node.js, React.js
- Databases: MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Web Technologies: OOP, RESTful API, AWS, Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Frontend Development: CSS, Bootstrap
- Content Management Systems: Drupal 9
- MuktoPath - Developed E-Learning Portal using Laravel 8 rest api and reactJS.
- Netcom Learning - Developed CRM portal for content visibility, and integrated APIs like JIRA Service Desk API and RingCentral API.
- NBCU Solr Search - Conducted Solr-search API testing and integration for NBCUniversal.
- Inhabitr - Created RESTful APIs and managed PostgreSQL server for this AI-powered furnishing solution.
- Artzolo - Developed a marketplace for art lovers and suppliers, enhancing web services using RESTful APIs.
- F45 Challenge - Built the F45 Challenge portal for fitness enthusiasts, focusing on lean muscle development and fat reduction over 8 weeks.
Thank you for visiting my profile! Feel free to connect and explore the projects I’m working on.