A python application for creating and editing JCPDS files for PeakPo.
Major functions include:
- Convert a CIF to JCPDS
- Convert a DIOPTAS JCPDS to PeakPo JCPDS
- Edit existing JCPDS
- Examine possible errors on JCPDS
version 2019.4.11 or later.
mkdir JCPDSTools
cd JCPDSTools
git clone https://github.com/SHDShim/JCPDSTools.git .
cd JCPDSTools/JCPDSTools
python -m jcpdstools
Check my google drive folder
CIF files for a wide range of materials can be downloaded from web databases, such as:
- American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
- Materials Project
- Crystallography Open Database
- Crystallographic and Crystallochemical Database for Minerals and their Structural Analogues
S.-H. Shim (2022) JCPDSTools - A python app for creating, converting, and revising high-pressure diffraction information file. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6349449