- Windows only
- Settingsfile is Computer specific.
USB Reading of SNDWAY(R) Sw-525b.
Raising Events if the set threshold for the DB is exeeded.
- ShowSource on Current Scene
- HideSource on Current Scene
- SwitchScene
- TurnOnLight
- TurnOffLight
- TurnOnGroup
- TurnOffGroup
Saving Settings to %APPDATA%\Schreitica
- OBS Password is saved encrypted (Computer specific, file entry is not readable on other PC!)
- Manage UI
- Polling rate in HZ - how often the USB Device is polled.
- Threshold
- OBS Settings Tab
- Hue Settings Tab
- Hue Step by Step to add a new user.
- Action Tree view
- Drag and Drop to reorder
- Add
- Opens Action Add Dialog
- Removes the selected Action
If an Error occurs while an Action is executed it will be pushed to Windows Notifications.
The Values on the ManageUI will only be passed in the backend if you hit Apply. The Settings only get Saved when you hit Save in the Menu > File > Save