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What is this?

M3U playlist generator for Ace Stream.

How it works?

It fetches available channels from ace stream engine using API, filters and transforms them and writes M3U playlists using templates defined in config.


Ace Stream running locally or remotely.

Command line flags

Command argument Description
-h, --help Print help message
-v, --version Print the program version
-u, --update Check for updates and update
-l, --logLevel Logging level. Can be from 1 (most verbose) to 7 (least verbose) [default: 3]
-f, --logFile Log file. If set, writes structured log to a file at the specified path
-c, --cfgPath Config file path to read from or initialize a default [default: m3u_gen_acestream.yaml]

Unless --cfgPath is specified, on first run it creates default config in current directory and terminates. Tweak it to suit your needs and start the program again.


See releases page

Default config

# Ace Stream Engine address in format of host:port.
# Playlists to generate.
# MPEG-TS format, alive.
# Change any non-default category to 'other'.
- #
  # Destination filepath to write playlist to.
  outputPath: ./out/playlist_alive_mpegts.m3u8
  # Template for the header of M3U file.
  headerTemplate: |
    #EXTM3U url-tvg="" tvg-shift=0 deinterlace=1 m3uautoload=1
  # Template for each channel. Available variables are:
  # {{.Name}}
  # {{.Infohash}}
  # {{.Categories}}
  # {{.Countries}}
  # {{.Languages}}
  # {{.EngineAddr}}
  # {{.TVGName}}
  # {{.IconURL}}
  entryTemplate: |
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="{{.Categories}}",{{.Name}}
  # Change categories by category regular expressions (keys) to strings (values).
  # Use "^$" regular expression to match unset categories.
  # Example:
  # categoryRxToCategoryMap:
  #   "^category regexp A$": "becomes category B"
  #   "^category regexp C$": "becomes category D"
    ^(?!.*(informational|entertaining|educational|movies|documentaries|sport|fashion|music|regional|ethnic|religion|teleshop|erotic_18_plus|other_18_plus|cyber_games|amateur|webcam)).*: other
  # Set categories by name regular expressions (keys) to list of strings (values).
  # Example:
  # nameRxToCategoriesMap:
  #   "^name regexp A$":
  #   - "will have category B"
  #   - "and category C"
  #   "^name regexp D$":
  #   - "will have category E"
  #   - "and category F"
  nameRxToCategoriesMap: {}
  # Only keep channels which name matches any of these regular expressions.
  # Example:
  # nameRxFilter:
  # - ".*keep channels matching name A.*"
  # - ".*keep channels matching name B.*"
  nameRxFilter: []
  # Remove channels which name matches any of these regular expressions.
  # Example:
  # nameRxBlacklist:
  # - ".*remove channels matching name A.*"
  # - ".*remove channels matching name B.*"
  nameRxBlacklist: []
  # Only keep channels which category equals to any of these.
  # See
  # for known (but not all possible) categories list.
  # Use empty string to include results with unset category.
  # Example:
  # categoriesFilter:
  # - "keep channels with category A"
  # - "keep channels with category B"
  categoriesFilter: []
  # If true, only keep channels with categories that are in filter, but not any other.
  categoriesFilterStrict: false
  # Remove channels which category equals to any of these.
  # See
  # for known (but not all possible) categories list.
  # Use empty string to exclude results with unset category.
  # Example:
  # categoriesBlacklist:
  # - "remove channels with category A"
  # - "remove channels with category B"
  categoriesBlacklist: []
  # Only keep channels which language equals to any of these.
  # Languages are 3-character, lower case strings, such as 'eng', 'rus' etc.
  # Use empty string to include results with unset language.
  # Example:
  # languagesFilter:
  # - "keep channels with language A"
  # - "keep channels with language B"
  languagesFilter: []
  # If true, only keep channels with languages that are in filter, but not any other.
  languagesFilterStrict: false
  # Remove channels which language equals to any of these.
  # Languages are 3-character, lower case strings, such as 'eng', 'rus' etc.
  # Use empty string to exclude results with unset language.
  # Example:
  # languagesBlacklist:
  # - "remove channels with language A"
  # - "remove channels with language B"
  languagesBlacklist: []
  # Only keep channels which country equals to any of these.
  # Countries are 2-character, lower case strings, such as 'us', 'ru' etc. and 'int' for international.
  # Use empty string to include results with unset country.
  # Example:
  # countriesFilter:
  # - "keep channels with country A"
  # - "keep channels with country B"
  countriesFilter: []
  # If true, only keep channels with countries that are in filter, but not any other.
  countriesFilterStrict: false
  # Remove channels which country equals to any of these.
  # Countries are 2-character, lower case strings, such as 'us', 'ru' etc. and 'int' for international.
  # Use empty string to exclude results with unset country.
  # Example:
  # countriesBlacklist:
  # - "remove channels with country A"
  # - "remove channels with country B"
  countriesBlacklist: []
  # Only keep channels which status equals to any of these.
  # Can be 1 (no guaranty that channel is working) or 2 (channel is available).
  # Example:
  # statusFilter:
  # - 1
  # - 2
  - 2
  # Only keep channels which availability equals to or more than this.
  # Can be between 0.0 (zero availability) and 1.0 (full availability).
  # The lower this value is, the less channels gets removed.
  availabilityThreshold: 1.0
  # Only keep channels which availability was updated that much time ago or sooner.
  # The lower this value is, the more channels gets removed.
  availabilityUpdatedThreshold: 36h0m0s
# HLS format, alive, only keep tv, music and empty category.
# Change category 'tv' to 'television' and empty category to 'unknown'.
- outputPath: ./out/playlist_alive_hls_tv_+_music_+_no_category.m3u8
  headerTemplate: |
    #EXTM3U url-tvg="" tvg-shift=0 deinterlace=1 m3uautoload=1
  entryTemplate: |
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="{{.Categories}}",{{.Name}}
    (?i)^tv$: television
    ^$: unknown
  nameRxToCategoriesMap: {}
  nameRxFilter: []
  nameRxBlacklist: []
  - tv
  - music
  - unknown
  categoriesFilterStrict: false
  categoriesBlacklist: []
  languagesFilter: []
  languagesFilterStrict: false
  languagesBlacklist: []
  countriesFilter: []
  countriesFilterStrict: false
  countriesBlacklist: []
  - 2
  availabilityThreshold: 1.0
  availabilityUpdatedThreshold: 36h0m0s
# format, alive, all but erotic channels.
- outputPath: ./out/playlist_alive_httpaceproxy_all_but_porn.m3u8
  headerTemplate: |
    #EXTM3U url-tvg="" tvg-shift=0 deinterlace=1 m3uautoload=1
  entryTemplate: |
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="{{.Categories}}",{{.Name}}{{.Infohash}}/stream.mp4
  categoryRxToCategoryMap: {}
  nameRxToCategoriesMap: {}
  nameRxFilter: []
  - (?i).*erotic.*
  - (?i).*porn.*
  - (?i).*18\+.*
  categoriesFilter: []
  categoriesFilterStrict: false
  - erotic_18_plus
  - 18+
  languagesFilter: []
  languagesFilterStrict: false
  languagesBlacklist: []
  countriesFilter: []
  countriesFilterStrict: false
  countriesBlacklist: []
  - 2
  availabilityThreshold: 1.0
  availabilityUpdatedThreshold: 36h0m0s

Build from source code [Go / Golang]

  1. Install Golang 1.23 or newer.

  2. Download the source code:

    git clone
  3. Install dependencies:

    cd src
    go mod tidy


    cd src
    go get ./...
  4. Update dependencies (optional):

    go get -u ./...
  5. To build a binary for current OS / architecture into ../build/ folder:

    go build -o ../build/ m3u_gen_acestream.go

    Or run /src/ to build binaries for every OS / architecture pair.