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gRPC Python



This sample demonstrates gRPC connectivity between a gRPC server running in the Kyma runtime and a gRPC client running outside of the Kyma runtime. The sample utilizes the root certificate used by the Kyma runtime to establish a TLS connection between the client and server and verifies the connection with a token. The client app streams auto generated order data to the server and receives back the amount of orders created and the elapsed time. Then will request a stream of existing orders which are displayed within the terminal. Running locally established a insecure connection which is based on an environment variable _DEV_ being set to true. A secure connection is required when running the server app within the Kyma runtime. In this case the variable _DEV_ most be set to false.


  • SAP BTP, Kyma runtime instance
  • Docker
  • Python
  • pip
  • kubectl configured to use the KUBECONFIG file downloaded from the Kyma runtime.


Run the sample locally

  1. Clone the project.

  2. Install grpcio-tools:

    pip install grpcio-tools
  3. Within the sample directory set the environment variable _DEV_ to true and start the server

    export _DEV_=true
  4. In another terminal within the sample directory set the environment variable _DEV_ to true and start the client

    export _DEV_=true

Run the server in Kyma

  1. Download the root certificate used by Kyma from and save the certificate content as kyma.pem in the directory of the sample.

  2. Build and push the image to your Docker repository:

      docker build -t {your-docker-account}/grpcorderserver -f docker/Dockerfile .
      docker push {your-docker-account}/grpcorderserver
  3. Adjust the image of the deployment.yaml to reference your docker hub account.

  4. Within the deployment.yaml you will find the envirnoment variable GRPC_TOKEN being set for the image. This is used as an authentication measure and requires that the client sends a matching token in the request.

  5. Create a new grpc Namespace:

    kubectl create namespace grpc
    kubectl label namespaces grpc istio-injection=enabled
  6. Apply the Resources:

    kubectl -n grpc apply -f ./k8s/deployment.yaml
    kubectl -n grpc apply -f ./k8s/apirule.yaml
  7. Prepare the client environment by setting the _DEV_ to false and the _GRPC_TOKEN_ to match the value set, defaulted to 12345678, on the server within the deployment.yaml as well are the _GRPC_SERVER_.

    export _DEV_="false"
    export _GRPC_TOKEN_="12345678"
    export _GRPC_SERVER_=grpcorderserver.*********
  8. Run the client


Other tips

  1. To regenerate the protocol

    python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. orders.proto
  2. To regenerate the requirements

    pip3 freeze > requirements.txt