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Android exercises for the 2019 openSAP Mobile course.

REUSE status

Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 (ui52)

Welcome to your learning journey to develop mobile apps with SAP Mobile Services. This repository contains the code for week 5 of the openSAP course Build Mobile Applications with SAP Mobile Services (mobile3). Please follow the setup instructions below to get started.


This repository contains an Android project which is the result of the exercises in Week 5 of the aforementioned openSAP course. In the master branch, you will find the final result of the exercises. Additionally, there are tagged commits which allow you to jump to the end of individual exercises. Use them to skip forward if you face issues or if you want to reset to the beginning of an exercise:

  • git checkout exercise-2-start
  • git checkout exercise-3-start takes you to the solution of exercise 2 - a basic step counter app - which is also the start of exercise 3.
  • git checkout exercise-4-start takes you to the solution of exercise 3 - adding OData Offline capabilities - which is also the start of exercise 4.
  • git checkout exercise-5-start takes you to the solution of exercise 4 - adding Logging - which is also the start of exercise 5.
  • git checkout master takes you to the final app, which includes the solution of exercise 5 - adding Usage Analytics capabilities.

Please note that checking out different versions may not work if you modify tracked files. You can run git stash to stash them, which allows you to bring them back later.

As an alternative to working with Git branches, you can also download the corresponding ZIP in the Releases tab.


You will need to have installed version 2.1.1 the SAP BTP SDK for Android.

You can import the project in this repository in Android Studio:

  1. Clone this repository using Git, or download the ZIP from the Releases tab and extract it.
  2. Select the "Import project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.)" option from either the launch screen or "New > Import Project..." from the File menu.
  3. Browse to the cloned folder
  4. Select this folder for import.

Contributions & Support

If you spot any issues with the code or if you find a bug, please create an issue or a pull request, and we will take care of it.

Thank you,

The course team


Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.