- Analysis scripts are in two separate folders (PyBank & PyPoll). Each folder has a 'Resources' folder.
- When the Python scripts are run, they will look for the original data in the Resources folder.
- They will process the data and export a txt file to their own folder (either PyBank or PyPoll).
- When running, please ensure that the Resources folder and datafile are in the proper locations.
Projects include:
PyBank [Includes the Following]
- SBonillas_PyBank_Analysis.ipynb (Jupyter Workbook)
- (Exported Python file)
- Mod3_PyBank_Analysis.txt (Text document generated by running the script)
- Resources > budget_data.csv (Folder and file with original data)
PyPoll [Includes the Following]
- SBonillas_PyPoll_Analysis.ipynb (Jupyter Workbook)
- (Exported Python file)
- Mod3_PyPoll_Analysis.txt (Text document generated by running the script)
- Resources > election_data.csv (Folder and file with original data)