CREATE DATABASE fineract_tenants;
CREATE DATABASE fineract_default;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fineract_tenants TO fin_dev;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fineract_default TO fin_dev;
Multi-tenancy Fineract 1.x supports multi-tenancy. The services are multi-tenant capable. Data is placed in separate dataresources for each tenant. Which tenant is addressed by a request is transmitted via the request header, and via the bearer token. Any deployment may serve multiple tenants.
How to create another tenant for the same instance. This can be done by:
Creating a new database called fineract_test
(could be any name, but must be prefixed with fineract_
create database fineract_djamo-ci;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fineract_djamo-ci TO fin_dev;
Executing the following sql query to add connection details for the new tenant to the fineract_tenants.tenant_server_connections
INSERT INTO `tenant_server_connections` VALUES ('localhost', '[NEW TENANT DATAASE NAME]', '3306', 'root', 'mysql', 1, 5, 30000, 1, 60, 1, 50, 1, 40, 20, 10, 60, 34000, 60000, 0, 1);
-- Real example
INSERT INTO public.tenant_server_connections(
id, schema_server, schema_name, schema_server_port, schema_username, schema_password, auto_update, pool_initial_size, pool_validation_interval, pool_remove_abandoned, pool_remove_abandoned_timeout, pool_log_abandoned, pool_abandon_when_percentage_full, pool_test_on_borrow, pool_max_active, pool_min_idle, pool_max_idle, pool_suspect_timeout, pool_time_between_eviction_runs_millis, pool_min_evictable_idle_time_millis, deadlock_max_retries, deadlock_max_retry_interval, schema_connection_parameters, readonly_schema_server, readonly_schema_name, readonly_schema_server_port, readonly_schema_username, readonly_schema_password, readonly_schema_connection_parameters)
VALUES (3, 'x.x.x.x', 'fineract_djamo-ci', '5432', 'fin_dev', 'xxx', 1, 5, 30000, 1, 60, 1, 50, 1, 40, 20, 10, 60, 34000, 60000, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-- Real example
INSERT INTO public.tenant_server_connections(
id, schema_server, schema_name, schema_server_port, schema_username, schema_password, auto_update, pool_initial_size, pool_validation_interval, pool_remove_abandoned, pool_remove_abandoned_timeout, pool_log_abandoned, pool_abandon_when_percentage_full, pool_test_on_borrow, pool_max_active, pool_min_idle, pool_max_idle, pool_suspect_timeout, pool_time_between_eviction_runs_millis, pool_min_evictable_idle_time_millis, deadlock_max_retries, deadlock_max_retry_interval, schema_connection_parameters, readonly_schema_server, readonly_schema_name, readonly_schema_server_port, readonly_schema_username, readonly_schema_password, readonly_schema_connection_parameters)
VALUES (4, 'x.x.x.x', 'fineract_bank-d_sandbox', '5432', 'fin_dev', 'xxx', 1, 5, 30000, 1, 60, 1, 50, 1, 40, 20, 10, 60, 34000, 60000, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Where: “fineract_test” is the name of the new tenant database “root” is the username used to connect to the database “mysql” is the password used to connect to the database
Inserting into fineract_tenants.tenants table a new tenant:
-- Dumping data for table `tenants`
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tenants` DISABLE KEYS */;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tenants` ENABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO public.tenants(
id, identifier, name, timezone_id, country_id, joined_date, created_date, lastmodified_date, oltp_id, report_id)
VALUES (3, 'djamo-ci', 'djamo-ci', 'Africa/Abidjan', 118, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 3);
Where: oltp_id
and report_id
represents the new tenant connection id. Set this properly otherwise it may connect to other database.
use `mifosplatform-tenants`;
INSERT INTO `tenant_server_connections` (`schema_name`) VALUES ('mifostenant-reference');
INSERT INTO `tenants` (`identifier`, `name`, `oltp_id`, `report_id`, `timezone_id`) VALUES ('reference', 'reference', ( select id from tenant_server_connections where schema_name="mifostenant-reference"), (select id from tenant_server_connections where schema_name="mifostenant-reference"), 'Asia/Kolkata');
create database `mifostenant-reference`;
use `mifostenant-reference`;
source load_sample_data.sql ;
Restart the tomcat server the application is running on.
Note: Set the lock to false in the table databasechangeloglock
if there is any database lock issue during startup.
Database name: fineract_test
Tenant Identifier: test
Community App url E.G: https://YOURDOMAIN/?baseApiUrl=YOURDOMAIN:8443/fineract-provider&tenantIdentifier=test
Login Credentials as set (default):
Username: mifos
Password: password
Few relevant documentation to use here:
Note: Kubernetes automatically set service address in the pod's environment variable, so do not call the service fineract-server
. It will automatically set FINERACT_SERVER_PORT
to the Kubernetes service address, which is conflict with the fineract variable.
kubectl apply -k ./fineract/dev
kubectl exec --stdin --tty fineract-server-579574d69c-ff29r -- /bin/bash