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Krem Overlays

Overlays I use on my stream and server running them. It's websockets galore.

NOTE: If you're not tech savvy feel free to open an issue. This project kinda assumes you are, but if you're here just for cool overlays that's cool too and I'm here to help :)



  • bun
    • and whatever bun i will install

Short intro

This is basically a webapp + server. Overlays are written in React + Vite (+ Tailwind etc.). Backend is Bun, for fun. Hardcoded to fit 1080p specifically.

This does not include things like music visualizer, or VNyan camera feed, or screen capture. These are done in OBS. This is basically for chat, follows, some stream controls and style.

How to use

Fill in .env with:

BACKEND_URL="http://localhost:3000"               # for vite I think?
TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=<your client id here>            # for twitch api
TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client secret here>    # same as above
TWITCH_USER_TOKEN=<your twitch user token here>   # only needed for follows
OBS_WS_PASSWORD=<your obs password here>          # for obs if you want to switch scenes or etc.


bun i
bun server
  • In the / page press "Init modules" to start all server integrations (OBS, Twitch, VNyan).
  • Open any overlay in 1920x1080 (like OBS browser source)
  • Open Deck if you wish

Check package.json for exact commands undeneath. Basically bunx with vite.





Godot Overlay

Overlay mimicking the look of Godot's sidebar. Chats and follows come in like Nodes in the tree, and music is bound to the AudioStreamPlayer at the top. Chats fetch user's twitch chat color (nice).

You can turn off or on the bottom panel (now used for Mario Kart 8 stats and ravarcheon's string lerp) via the wide state. It's set up in a way that without it free space is 4:3, with it 16:9.

This uses the Solarized Dark as a theme, as that's what I use. I tried to stick just to Tailwind classes, so it may be a bit of manual work to tweak the colors, but it's doable. If you'd like a theme support or something, feel free to open a PR. Or an issue at least.



Switch Overlay

Overlay in the style of HorizonOS (Switch OS UI).

Layout is similar to Godot, so chats on the left, place for cam on bottom and an optional wide-bar for 16:9 layouts. Music is in place of the game name.

Additionally using Deck or if a chat messge contains !L or !R (case insensitive) you can move the highlight cursor between icons, showing extra text.

Followers are shown as a system error pop-up. It also blurs everything as it does on the system. For fun (you can disable it in code).

I just think it's neat.

The Sims

The Sims


The Sims

🏗️ Under construction

  • Menu cutout has shitty alpha

  • Cam

    • Menu
  • Chats

    • Notifications on side

The Sims 2


The Sims 2

The Sims 3


🏗️ Under construction

  • Chats
    • Notifications on side
  • Follows
    • big modal with "OK"

The Sims 4


The Sims 4

🏗️ Under construction:

  • poc changing emotions based on blendshapes in VNyan

Music scrolls if text overflows.

New followers pop-up as phone calls.

Emotions can be changed from Deck and should have game accurate colors. Some redundant are missing on purpose, but can be easily added. Sims 4 emotions

Stream Deck



I don't have cash to spend on a Stream Deck, so I build one in here. It communicates via websockets with the server and overlays to change a scene, reset avatar position or toggle something in the overlay.

You can also open a modal containing more buttons (see Mario Kart implementation).

Instead of colors you may also use an image. Just put it in frontend/src/assets/images and import it. Text will align automagically on buttons with images.

Waiting screens

Regular, non-complex waiting screens to use for your stream. You could prolly do what they do in OBS alone, but some things are easier with React.



Sims Wait

Waiting screen that looks like the loading screen of the first Sims games.

Strings are hardcoded in the SimsWaiting.tsx, so if you want your own just change these.

Image is just an image, so you've gotta supply your own.



Sims 2 Wait

Yes, this is not a video, but real-time React fuckery.

Waiting screen that looks and animates like Sims 2 loading Lot screen. The difference is the font, as Benguiat Gothic Std is the game font, but it's paid so can't really share it I guess, so it uses Comic Relief as Sims 1 views.

Icons are just React-Icons for now, all specified in an array so can be changed.

Center image will have to be done similarily to Sims 1, so custom image here.



Websocket communication. For now only sending "Reset Pos" to VNyan.

Make sure you have websockets enabled in VNyan and a node graph capturing a message. Here I just pass the description of the Deck button as the message.



Done 2 ways: node-twitch and tmi.js. Second one gets chats, no auth needed. First one gets users colors and new follows. For colors you just need basic Twitch app with secret and id. For follows you need a User Access Token, for which I haven't built in a seamless integration (I just generate mine in a separate app and dont even refresh it lol). May do this someday. If you know how, or think it'd be just neat, open an issue or a PR.

Colors when first fetched are stored in .color-cache.json (will be created if not present) for 30 days. This is as to not call Twitch api any time someone sends a message. Timeout is configurable. You could keep them forever I guess, but you won't notice when someone changes their color.

Same is done for profile picture URLs in .profile.cache.json. Note it's URLs only, not actual images.


I check for an access token in .token (don't confuse with User Access Token). If it's not there we generate a new one and store it there. Same if it's invalid (like expired for example).

For follows you need a User Access Token with moderator:read:followers scope. I generate mine with this project: I don't refresh it in any way, so currently it's the only manual part of this setup. I plan on including it in the initial setup of the server (as I already see some refactoring potential).


For now obs-websocket-js has problems under Bun (see oven-sh/bun#10459). My workaround? Previous one you'll see in history, was to run separate Node.js server as a kind of proxy.

Now it's nicely written kinda from scratch. Ofc some copypasted code, but hey, it works. As much as I hate generative AI, gotta hand it to Claude, it works. I assume it's based off snippets I wasn't able to find over the internet, or actual implementation of the not-so-working lib. Whatever, it works well.


Music assumes you have playerctl on your system and are playing music from something that plays nicely with MPRIS (so, like, basically anything). If you're a Windows dweller... Shoot up an issue and I'll try to get it done. Or better yet, a PR ;)


Stream overlays with React, Vite and Bun!





