Full-Stack | ReactJS | NextJs | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Figma | Redux | SQL | Docker | TypeScript | MongoDB
e-social Public
Projeto criado para ajudar empresas do tipo MEI, ME, EPP e outras a entenderem o que é o programa do governo brasileiro chamado e-social e também estimativa de custos ao aderir o programa.
recipes-app-fullstack Public
Full-stack project using react js and mongoDB, It is an recipes app, where users can find recipes for food and beverages and also share it with their friends.
shopping-cart Public
This application request information at the Mercado Libre API and render a page of e-commerce where it's possible to search for a product and add it to the cart.
My-Portfolio Public
This is my portfolio of projects, It'is in construction, I'm using ReactJs, PhosphorIcons, Figma and Vercel to create, publish and mantain this update.
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