Data-driven simulation of fireflies using a Pico and LEDs.
The LEDs simulate individual fireflies using characteristics described in the following papers:
- Martin, O., Nguyen, C., Sarfati, R. et al. Embracing firefly flash pattern variability with data-driven species classification. Sci Rep 14, 3432 (2024).
- Goh, K.-S.; Lee, C.-M.; Wang, T.-Y. Species-Specific Flash Patterns Track the Nocturnal Behavior of Sympatric Taiwanese Fireflies. Biology 2022, 11, 58.
Demonstration showing the built-in Pico LED in green, and four additional SMD LEDs in orange.
- Pico
- LEDs (preferably yellow-green, but light-blue, or orange would work too)
Install MicroPython on the Pico and copy the files in rp2/
across to the Pico's root directory.
Setup software on the host machine for linting:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Confirm LED pins match those attached to hardware LEDs.
python -m ruff format
python -m ruff check --fix