StalGrowth is a Open Source and Cross Platform program designed to calculate theoretical growth rates. It is based on physical parameters which influence carbonate precipitation rates (Cave air pCO2, Ca2+-ion-concentration, temperature, drip-rate and water-film thickness). This enables StalGrowth to untangle the complex interaction to identify and quantify seasonal growth rate changes and to deduce the empirical growth of a stalagmites given certain conditions from cave monitoring observations.
- Import from CSV files
- Calculation of seasonal growth averages
- Auto sorting of the data into different seasons
- Fast growth / Slow growth (user-specified season)
- Winter / Summer ( Nominal Equinoxes)
- Graphic display of input parameters and results
- Interactive date and growth-rate reader
- Student's T-testing for significance of the season growth rates
- Identification of periods of no-growth or dissolution
- Estimation of seasonal growth bias
- Download using the download zip button on the right.
- Open the StalGrowth.exe in the Windows Binary Folder.
- Load your CSV via the load file button.
- If it loaded correctly (see Input File section for more information) Press the Statistics or Graph Button on the bottom.
Empirical Growth Equation:
R0 = 1174 = 1174*(cCa - appcCa) * (FilmThickness/DripInt) *(1.0 - e^exp)
Where exp:
exp = (-1.0 * (alpha/FilmThickess) * DripInterval)
Where alpha:
alpha= (0.52 + (0.04*Temp) + (0.004*Temp^2)) * 10^-7;
Apparent Calcium Concentration
appcCa = (5.872* pCO2^0.2526)+((-0.0167*Temp)+1.5146)) * 0.5;
Averaging, Variance, Standard Deviation use the standard formulas.
The input file of this program is a CSV file with a Header, in the following format:
Timestamp,Drip Interval (s),Error (s),Film Thickness (m),Error (m),Temperature (degC),Error (degC),pCO2 (atm),Error (atm),cCa (mol/m3),Error (mol/m3)
04/28/2005 00:00:00,4,1,0.0001,0.00005,18.27007299,0.2,0.000669456,0.00003,2.02345153,0.01
- Timestamp: Must be written: [MM/DD/YYYY 00:00:00] Specific time is a feature we plan on including
Sample Files are included in the src folder
If anyone is interested in this proyect or would like to help, contact us!
- The AlgLib Commutiny @
- The QT Community @
- Emanuel Eichhammer for QCustomPlot @
Thanks, Rolf & Fran89.