Django by default provide group based authorization. There might be some cases where business wants you to implement role based system. To fit you usecase into default implementation may be a little bit tricky.
In this small project, I have demonstrated how you build custom role based by modifying permission mixins and adding customised backend,
Prerequisite: Make sure to Install python (greater than 3.8)
Git clone this repository to your local machine.
Go to cloned directory and create .env at root, copy all content from .env.example and fill in values for all environment variables
Create a virtual env with name ".venv" Refer, Virtualenv Guide
Change your working directory to backend with following command:
cd src
Install required packages from "requirements.txt" with following command:
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
Once done, Perform migrations with command:
python migrate
Then you can run your project with following command:
python runserver