fastRG quickly samples a generalized random product graph, which is a generalization of a broad class of network models. Given matrices
The basic idea of the algorithm is to first sample the number of edges,
fastRG(X, S, Y= NULL, avgDeg = NULL, simple = NULL,
PoissonEdges = TRUE, directed = FALSE, selfLoops = FALSE,
returnEdgeList = FALSE, returnParameters = FALSE)
er(n, p = NULL, avgDeg =NULL, directed = FALSE, returnEdgeList = FALSE,...)
cl = function(theta, avgDeg = NULL, directed = FALSE, returnEdgeList = FALSE,...)
sbm(n,pi, B, PoissonEdges = F, returnParameters = FALSE, parametersOnly = FALSE, ...)
dcsbm(theta,pi, B, returnParameters = FALSE, parametersOnly = FALSE, ...)
dcMixed(theta,alpha, B, returnParameters = FALSE, parametersOnly = FALSE, ...)
dcOverlapping(theta,pi, B, returnParameters = FALSE, parametersOnly = FALSE, ...)
The functions er, sbm, dcsbm, dcMixed, and dcOverlapping are wrappers for fastRG.
X # X in the gRDPG
S # S in the gRDPG
Y # if Null, Y <- X; if not, E(A) = XSY', directed <- T, selfLoops <- T, simple <- F
# Y need not have same number of rows or columns as X. matrix mult X %*% S %*% t(Y) must be defined.
avgDeg # to help ensure the graph is not too dense, avgDeg scales the S matrix to set
# the expected average expected degree to avgDeg. If avgDeg = null, this is ignored.
n # number of nodes
pi # a K vector of membership probabilities
alpha # parameter of the dirichlet distribution in the assignment of block memberships in dcMixed
B # middle probability matrix (this becomes S in fastRG)
theta # vector of degree parameter in degree corrected and Chung-Lu models,
# the expected adjacency matrix becomes:
# diag(theta) %*% X %*% S %*% t(X) %*% diag(theta)
# in dcMixed and dcOverlapping, if theta is a single value, then
# n <- theta and there is no degree correction.
returnParameters # if TRUE, then it returns a list(A, X, S, Y). This can be helpful for simulation studies which
# seek to estimate X, S, Y. If FALSE, then it returns A.
# if returnEdgeList = TRUE, then this parameter is ignored.
parametersOnly # if TRUE, then the wrapper only returns the X and S matrix that would otherwise be sent to fastRG.
simple # if TRUE, samples a simple graph by setting PoissonEdges = directed = multiEdges = FALSE
PoissonEdges # See Details
directed # See Details
selfLoops # See Details
returnEdgeList # See Values
fastRG samples a Poisson gRPG where
er, cl, sbm, dcsbm, dcOverlapping, and dcMixed are wrappers for fastRG that sample the Erdos-Renyi, Chung-Lu, Stochastic Blockmodel, Degree Corrected Stochastic Blockmodel, the Degree Corrected Overlapping Stochastic Blockmodel, and the Degree Corrected Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodel. To remove Degree correction, set theta = rep(1, n) or set theta equal to the number of desired nodes
If selfLoops == T, then fastRG retains the selfloops. If selfLoops == F, then fastRG uses a poisson approximation to the binomial in the following sense: Let
If directed == T, then fastRG does not symmetrize the graph. If directed == F, then fastRG symmetrizes S and A.
If PoissonEdges == T, then fastRG keeps the multiple edges and avgDeg calculations are on out degree (i.e. rowSums). If PoissonEdges == F, then fastRG thresholds each edge so that multiple edges are replaced by single edges. In this case, only SBM has edge probabilities exactly given by
If Y is specified, then it returns a sparse matrix, with poisson entries, where
By default, fastRG and its wrappers all output a sparse matrix from the package Matrix. If returnEdgeList = TRUE, then it returns an edge list matrix with m rows and 2 columns.
howManyEdges returns a vector with two elements. The first element is the expected number of edges. The second is the expected average degree.
First, generate the edgelist for an Erdos-Renyi graph with n = 1,000,000 nodes and expected degree 5. That makes the edge probability 5/n.
# install fastRG:
# sample:
system.time(er(n=10^6, avgDeg = 5, returnEdgeList = F))
n = 10000
K = 5
X = matrix(rpois(n = n*K, 1), nrow = n)
S = matrix(runif(n = K*K, 0,.0001), nrow = K)
A = fastRG(X,S, simple=T)
# if you want to create an igraph, it is fastest to
# 1) return an edgelist from fastRG and
# 2) form the igraph from the edgelist.
el = fastRG(X,S, simple=T, returnEdgeList = T)
g = graph_from_edgelist(el)
or fastRG also allows for simulating from E(A) = X S Y', where A and S could be rectangular. This is helpful for bipartite graphs or matrices of features.
n = 10000
d = 1000
K1 = 5
K2 = 3
X = matrix(rpois(n = n*K1, 1), nrow = n)
Y = matrix(rpois(n = d*K2, 1), nrow = d)
S = matrix(runif(n = K1*K2, 0,.1), nrow = K1)
A = fastRG(X,S,Y, avgDeg = 10)
K = 10
n = 500
pi = rexp(K) +1
pi = pi/sum(pi) * 3
B = matrix(rexp(K^2)+1, nrow=K)
diag(B) = diag(B)+ mean(B)*K
theta = rexp(n)
A = dcsbm(theta, pi,B,avgDeg = 50)
# here is the average degree:
# If we remove multiple edges, the avgDeg parameter is not trustworthy:
A = dcsbm(theta, pi,B,avgDeg = 50, PoissonEdges = F)
# but it is a good upper bound when the graph is sparse:
n = 10000
A = dcsbm(rexp(n), pi,B,avgDeg = 50, PoissonEdges = F)
# This draws a 100 x 100 adjacency matrix from each model.
# Each image might take around 5 seconds to render.
K = 10
n = 100
pi = rexp(K) +1
pi = pi/sum(pi) * 3
B = matrix(rexp(K^2)+1, nrow=K)
diag(B) = diag(B)+ mean(B)*K
theta = rexp(n)
A= dcsbm(theta, pi,B,avgDeg = 50)
image(as.matrix(t(A[,n:1])),col = grey(seq(1,0, len=20)))
K = 2
n = 100
alpha = c(1,1)/5
B = diag(c(1,1))
theta = n
A= dcMixed(theta, alpha,B,avgDeg = 50)
image(as.matrix(t(A[,theta:1]))/max(A),col = grey(seq(1,0, len=20)))
n = 100
K = 2
pi = c(.7,.7)
B = diag(c(1,1))
theta = n
A= dcOverlapping(theta, pi,B,avgDeg = 50)
image(as.matrix(t(A[,n:1]))/max(A),col = grey(seq(1,0, len=20)))
K = 10
n = 100
pi = rexp(K) +1
pi = pi/sum(pi)
B = matrix(rexp(K^2), nrow=K)
B = B/ (3*max(B))
diag(B) = diag(B)+ mean(B)*K
A= sbm(n, pi,B)
image(as.matrix(t(A[,n:1])),col = grey(seq(1,0, len=20)))
# this samples a DC-SBM with 10,000 nodes
# then computes, and plots the leading eigenspace.
# the code should run in less than a second.
K = 10
n = 10000
pi = rexp(K) +1
pi = pi/sum(pi)
pi = -sort(-pi)
B = matrix(rexp(K^2)+1, nrow=K)
diag(B) = diag(B)+ mean(B)*K
A = dcsbm(rgamma(n,shape = 2,scale = .4), pi,B,avgDeg = 20, simple = T)
# leading eigen of regularized Laplacian with tau = 1
D = Diagonal(n, 1/sqrt(rowSums(A)+1))
ei = eigs_sym(D%*%A%*%D, 10)
# normalize the rows of X:
X = t(apply(ei$vec[,1:K],1, function(x) return(x/sqrt(sum(x^2)+1/n))))
# taking a varimax rotation makes the leading vectors pick out clusters:
X = varimax(X, normalize = F)$load
par(mfrow = c(5,1), mar = c(1,2,2,2), xaxt = "n",yaxt = "n")
# plot 1000 elements of the leading eigenvectors:
s = sort(sample(n,1000))
for(i in 1:5){
plot(X[s,i], pch ='.')
# This samples a 1M node graph.
# Depending on the computer, sampling the graph should take between 10 and 30 seconds
# Then, taking the eigendecomposition of the regularized graph laplacian should take between 1 and 3 minutes
# The resulting adjacency matrix is a bit larger than 100MB.
# The leading eigenvectors of A are highly localized
K = 3
n = 1000000
pi = rexp(K) +1
pi = pi/sum(pi)
pi = -sort(-pi)
B = matrix(rexp(K^2)+1, nrow=K)
diag(B) = diag(B)+ mean(B)*K
A <- fastRG::dcsbm(theta = rgamma(n,shape = 2,scale = .4), pi = pi, B = B, avg_deg = 10)
A = dcsbm(rgamma(n,shape = 2,scale = .4), pi,B,avgDeg = 10)
theta <- rgamma(n,shape = 2,scale = .4)
p = dcsbm(theta, pi,B,avgDeg = 10, parametersOnly = T)
p2 = dcsbm_params(theta, pi,B, avg_deg = 10)
all.equal(p$X, p2$X)
all.equal(p$S, p2$S)
e <- howManyEdges(p$X, p$S)
e2 <- expected(p$X, p$S)
all.equal(e[1], e2[[1]])
all.equal(e[2], e2[[2]])
fastRG::fastRG(p$X, p$S)
fastRG(p$X, p$S)
D = Diagonal(n, 1/sqrt(rowSums(A)+10))
L = D%*%A%*%D
ei = eigs_sym(L, 4)
s = sort(sample(n, 10000))
X = t(apply(ei$vec[,1:K],1, function(x) return(x/sqrt(sum(x^2)+1/n))))
plot(X[s,3]) # highly localized eigenvectors
To sample from a degree corrected and node contextualized graph...
n = 10000 # number of nodes
d = 1000 # number of features
K = 5 # number of blocks
# Here are the parameters for the graph:
pi = rexp(K) +1
pi = pi/sum(pi) * 3
B = matrix(rexp(K^2)+1, nrow=K)
diag(B) = diag(B)+ mean(B)*K
theta = rexp(n)
paraG = dcsbm(theta=theta, pi = pi, B=B,parametersOnly = T)
# Here are the parameters for the features:
thetaY = rexp(d)
piFeatures = rexp(K) +1
piFeatures = piFeatures/sum(piFeatures) * 3
BFeatures = matrix(rexp(K^2)+1, nrow=K)
diag(BFeatures) = diag(BFeatures)+ mean(BFeatures)*K
paraFeat = dcsbm(theta = thetaY,pi = piFeatures, B = BFeatures,parametersOnly = T)
# the node "degrees" in the features, should be related to their degrees in the graph.
X = paraG$X
X@x = paraG$X@x + rexp(n) # the degree parameter should be different. X@x + rexp(n) makes feature degrees correlated to degrees in graph.
# generate the graph and features
A = fastRG(paraG$X,paraG$S, avgDeg = 10)
features = fastRG(X,paraFeat$S, paraFeat$X, avgDeg = 20)
This next bit of code repeats the computational experiment from Section 4.1.
logSeq = function(from, to, len){
# find a sequence from, ..., to of length len such that *on the log scale* the points are equidistant.
seq(log(from), log(to), len =len) %>% exp %>% round %>% return
nseq = logSeq(10000, 10000000,len = 10)
mseq = logSeq(100000, 100000000,len = 10)
K = 5
runTimes = matrix(NA, nrow = length(mseq)*length(nseq), ncol=3) %>% as_data_frame %>% as.tbl
colnames(runTimes) = c("n","m","time")
S = matrix(runif(n = K*K), nrow = K)
ticker = 1
for(ntick in length(nseq):1){
n = nseq[ntick]
X = matrix(rpois(n = n*K, 1), nrow = n)
for(mtick in 1:length(mseq)){
averageDegree = mseq[mtick]/n
timer = system.time({
el = fastRG(X,S, avgDeg = averageDegree, PoissonEdges = T,directed = T,selfLoops = T, returnEdgeList= T)
runTimes[ticker,] = rbind(n,mseq[mtick],timer[3])
ticker = ticker+1
pdf(file = "runTimeFixN.pdf", height =4, width = 4)
runTimes %>% mutate("log10(n)" = as.character(round(log10(n),2)), "E(m)"= m) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`E(m)`, y=time, group = `log10(n)`))+
geom_line(aes(color = `log10(n)`)) + guides(col = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))+
scale_x_log10() +scale_y_log10() +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = -6.85, size = 1) +
ggtitle("Fixing n, the running time appears\nto grow linearly with E(m)")
pdf(file = "runTimeFixM.pdf", height =4, width = 4)
runTimes %>% mutate("log10(E(m))" = as.character(round(log10(m),2))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=n, y=time, group = `log10(E(m))`))+
geom_line(aes(color = `log10(E(m))`)) + guides(col = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))+
scale_x_log10() +scale_y_log10() +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = -6.3, size =1)+
ggtitle("Fixing E(m), the running time appears\nto grow linearly with n")