A benchmark for Huawei CodeCraft 2022
华为CodeCraft2022 判题器 及 GUI
This benchmark requires numpy, mpld3, matplotlib
该判题器需要使用numpy, mpld3, matplotlib
python3 -m pip install -r requirement.txt
Now, this benchmark support web GUI.
Please put this benchmark at the same level with build_and_run.sh
Usage: 用法
python3 benchmark.py [your_execution_command]
Some file is necessary, ./data/*
and ./output/solution.txt
. (well, it will also search at /data/*
and /output/solution.txt
and ./output/solution.txt
. (当然,本判题器也会搜索 /data/*
and /output/solution.txt
The argument is optional. if not provided, this benbchmark will automatically execute sh build_and_run.sh
参数是可选项。如果不提供,则将会使用默认的sh build_and_run.sh
You can specify your execution command, e.g. python3 benchmark.py java -jar xx.jar
. It will also works according to the file in output/
, even the execution command does not work.
你可以指定你的执行命令,例如,你可以这样使用 python3 benchmark.py java -jar xx.jar
Score is only for reference. Because the data we used online and offline is different, I can not sure the truth of this benchmark.
This benchmark only tested on macOS, I cannot sure it will work on other system. This benchmark may have many bug, only for test usage.
Please don't use the code in your version of submission, it's code plagiarism, and Huawei will disqualify us because we used the same code.
Now, pressure test data is available at here.
If you can pass the test, but can not pass the online test, then it would be the problem of your program, you can try to generate pressure test data, then use the data that can not pass to debug.