From 2ff47b55e289edd3e4edca8bdbdd83092d0b4d20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: RoccoDAnt
Option B. You can install napari-zelda
also via pip. For the best experience, create a conda environment and use napari!=0.4.11, using the following instructions:
conda create -y -n napari-env python==3.8
-conda activate napari-env
-pip install "napari[all]"
+conda activate napari-env
+conda install napari pyqt
pip install napari-zelda
Option C. Alternatively, clone the repository and install locally via pip:
-pip install -e .
pip install -e .
Option D. Get the latest code with git and pip:
+conda create -y -n napari-env python=3.8 git
+conda activate napari-env
+conda install napari pyqt
+pip install git+
This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using with @napari's cookiecutter-napari-plugin template.
The GUI has been developed using magicgui widgets, while the image analysis and processing include functions from scikit-image, SciPy, and NumPy. Results are handled with pandas and datatable. Plots are obtained with matplotlib.