- Fixed commonjs default export and added esm entrypoint.
- Added support for Webpack 5.
- Bumped node-notifier to v10.0.1.
- Fixes for #81 and #90)
- Thanks, ImLunaHey! (PR)
- Added formatSuccess config option.
- Modified notifyOptions config option to accept a function.
- Misc dependency upgrades for security fixes.
- Fixed MessageFormatter type def; consolidated types between
- Add compilation status and error/warning count parameters to messageFormatter (PR).
- Bumped node-notifier to v9.0.0.
- Upgraded dependencies to latest; fixed warning/error handling for child compilers (#53).
- Fixed bug where setting sound to false had no effect (#51).
- Converted to TypeScript, increased test coverage.
- Updated node-notifier to fix #43; added test coverage.
- Added showDuration config option for #48.
- Updated node-notifier dependency to latest version to fix #45.
- Added two new config options: onCompileStart, onComplete.
- Updated dependencies to latest versions to fix high-severity js-yaml vulnerability.
- Corrected sound TS types.
- Updated README to include TS usage example.
- Fixed TypeScript definition per issue #39. This is a breaking change for any consumers using TS; bumped major version.
- Added TypeScript definitions per issue #35.
- Fix for #29 where error occurs on Windows 7 when attempting to register the SnoreToast app ID for notifications.
- Fix for #30, compilation notifications no longer ignore sound option.
- Added new config option: compilationSound
- Fix for #28 to allow webpack build to complete while notification is visible. Updated to node-notifier@5.2.1.
- Check that error/warning is not null before formatting it.
- Added two new config options: notifyOptions and onTimeout per #26.
- Updated Webpack 4 watchRun hook to use tapAsync to fix #25.
- Updated to use new hooks API for Webpack 4.
- Updated terminal activation to handle VS Code.
- Merged PR to detect terminal application. #21.
- Reworked previous "fix" to use default SnoreToast AppID for Windows toast notifications. #20.
- Added appName parameter to notify config to resolve issue with notifications not being generated in Windows build >=1709 #20.
- Updated
package version to latest; enforced max message length to 256 to fix #20.
- Added notification hook for webpack "watch-run" compilation event to show notifications when the compilation process has started. Added suppressCompileStart and compileIcon configuration options to support this. This notification will not be shown by default; set suppressCompileStart to false to enable.
- Updated suppressSuccess configuration option to support "always" and "initial" values.
- Updated webpack icons.
- Added warningSound configuration option.
- Added messageFormatter configuration option to allow custom formatting of notification message.
- Bugfix for #6, more null checking.
- Bugfix for #6; added null check for error messages.
- Added reference to strip-ansi NPM package to remove CLI color formatting from notifications.
- Added new onClick configuration option to allow for specifying of notification click behavior.
- Added new successSound and failureSound configuration options to allow different sounds depending upon the notification type. The sound configuration is still supported, but these two new options will take precedence.
- Fixed sound configuration option to allow "false" value to disable sound.
- Added suppressWarning configuration option.