The following instructions will lead you through the setup process for all the modules deployed on the Roboy's Raspberry Pi.
- Get the image with Rasbian from here
user: pi
password: raspberry
- Install ROS Kinetic. Follow installation instructions from the ROS Wiki
Currently we are using Matrix Creator kernel modules to read/wirte sensor data from the board. The modules are kernel drivers and therefore one can get the data directly usring regmap
or libiio
- In case you used a fresh image of Raspbian, follow these instructions. Otherwise, if the image mentioned above was used:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
cd ~/matrix-kernel-modules
git pull origin master
cd src
make && make install
sudo reboot
- Add matrix kernel modules to
, which should contain:
- Add overlay:
echo "dtoverlay=matrixio" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
- Check if Matrix Creator kernel modules are enabled:
ls -l /dev/matrix_*
The output should include matrix_everloop
and matrix_regmap
- Record an audio sample from the microphone array:
cd ~/
arecord --duration 5 --rate 16000 --format S16_LE test.wav && aplay ./test.wav
Clone the repository to your catkin workspace and build it:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Start required nodes, for example the following will run roboy_speech_synthesis
, roboy_speech_recognition
, and led_control
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch roboy_cognition_manager pi.launch
Look for the topics/services you need in the output of rostopic list
and rosservice list