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Judge and Tournament Registration for NoVA North Odyssey of the Mind

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Odyssey of the Mind Registration


This repository contains the code for the Judge and Tournament Registration websites for NoVA North Odyssey of the Mind.

Projects in this Solution (.sln)

Folder Project Name .NET Version Purpose
/ EFCoreToolReverseEngineeringTest .NET 8.0 ==TBD==
/ JudgeRegistrationRazor .NET 8.0 ==TBD==
/OdysseyRegistration/ docker-compose N/A Docker Compose project (.dcproj)
* Also builds the OdysseyRegistrationWebApi project.
/OdysseyRegistration/ init N/A SQL Server initialization files for the Docker Compose project
/OdysseyRegistration/ Odyssey.Database SQL Server 2019 (==how can you tell which version?==) Database management project (.sqlproj)
/OdysseyRegistration/ OdysseyCoreMvc .NET 6.0 Unused (I think): Core MVC framework
/OdysseyRegistration/ OdysseyMvc4 .NET Framework 4.8 MVC framework 4
This is what is running in production today (01/01/2025).
/OdysseyRegistration/ OdysseyMvc4.Tests .NET Framework 4.8 MVC framework 4 tests
/OdysseyRegistration/ OdysseyMvc2023 .NET Framework 4.8 MVC framework 2023
/OdysseyRegistration/ OdysseyMvc2024 .NET 8.0 ==Is this the current project or is it the 2023 project? I think it's this one.==
/OdysseyRegistration/ OdysseyRegistrationWebApi .NET 8.0 Web API for registration
/OdysseyRegistration/ UpdateProblemSynopsesForRegistration .NET Framework 4.8 Update problem synopses


The OdysseyMvc4 (original) and OdysseyMvc2023 (current) projects are currently built using ASP.NET MVC version 4 on .NET Framework 4.8.


  1. Update (all) the projects to use ASP.NET (Core) 8.0 or later.
  2. Document how I added the SQL Project to Visual Studio and how to modify, use, and deploy it.
  3. Rolled back to EF 4.4 to make sure everything worked. See if the code works as-is with EF 6.x.
  4. Create Elmah test DB
  5. Determine what all the projects in this solution are for.
  6. Upgrade the Odyssey.Database project to SQL Server 2022.
  7. Clean up the "Purpose" column in the Projects table above.
  8. Add logging to all projects!
  9. Make all "Return to the Home Page" buttons return to the home page at the current base URL, not hard-coded to a specific Odyssey Registration home page.
  10. Move docker-compose.dcproj and its associated files into its own subdirectory.
  11. Set up automated MySQL Backups for WordPress.
  12. Set up automated SQL Server Backups for Odyssey Registration.

Deploying to Production

Files to Configure

Make sure to copy the web.config file from this directory, i.e., the top-most/root directory, into the root directory of your website at the hosting company.


This should be placed in a higher directory than your bin, Content, Views, etc. directories. The directory containing those subdirectories will likely have its own web.config file.

Hosting Company Configuration

  1. Make sure that the ASP.NET MVC website directory is set as an application starting point.
    1. Log into the Winhost Control Panel.
    2. Navigate to the Odyssey website.
    3. Navigate to the Sites List ➡️ Site Manager ➡️ Application Starting Point page.
    4. Make sure that the path to the directory containing the website is registered as an application starting point, e.g. /registration.

SQL Server Database: Odyssey Registration Data (vs. WordPress data in MySQL)

  1. Make sure to back up the database after every season (or before the next one).

Manage the database in production


As of 09/29/2024, this is the configuration of the registration database.

Database Name:   DB_12824_registration
Version:         MS SQL 2008 R2
Database Server:
Database User:   DB_12824_registration_user
Assigned Quota:  25 MB
Usage:	         4 MB
Connection String: "Data;Initial Catalog=DB_12824_registration;User ID=DB_12824_registration_user;Password=******;Integrated Security=False;"

Run the SQL Server database in a Docker container (manually)

Open a PowerShell prompt.

docker pull
docker volume create sql-volume
$mssql_sa_password = "" # set this to a strong password
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=$mssql_sa_password" -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 --hostname sql1 --mount "source=sql-volume,target=/sqldata" -d
docker exec -it -u 0 sql1 "bash"   # -u 0 lets us log in as root.
chmod 777 /sqldata
docker container exec sql1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U sa -P "$mssql_sa_password" -Q "CREATE DATABASE [DB_12824_registration] ON  PRIMARY ( NAME = N'DB_12824_registration_data', FILENAME = N'/sqldata/DB_12824_registration_data.mdf' , SIZE = 4160KB , MAXSIZE = 25600KB , FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) LOG ON ( NAME = N'DB_12824_registration_log', FILENAME = N'/sqldata/DB_12824_registration_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024KB , MAXSIZE = 1024000KB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB );"`
docker cp "2022-08-06 - NoVA North Production Database Export Script.sql" sql1:/sqldata
docker container exec sql1 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U sa -P "$mssql_sa_password" -i "/sqldata/2022-08-06 - NoVA North Production Database Export Script.sql"

Generate the Odyssey database schema with mermerd

This will create a Mermaid database schema diagram from your SQL Server database.

  1. Download latest version: Releases � KarnerTh/mermerd � GitHub

  2. Unzip it.

  3. Make sure your SQL Server database is up, e.g., in Docker.

  4. Run the following command:

    Downloads\mermerd_0.4.1_windows_amd64.tar\mermerd -c "sqlserver://sa:********@localhost:1433?database=DB_12824_registration" -s dbo --useAllTables -o OdysseySchema.mmd

  5. You will find your file created as OdysseySchema.mmd in the directory where you ran the tool.


[ ] TODO: Read "Get started with Entity Framework Core and an existing database in minutes - Quick Start Guide":, 2:25 AM · Dec 29, 2023. This can produce Mermaid diagrams, as well.

Shutdown and clean up the Docker container

docker rm -f sql1


Using rm -f will remove the container even if it is still running.

Create the new test website

Create new "Application Starting Point" for the test website

  1. Navigate to Application Starting Point at the hosting company's website.
  2. Click "Create".
  3. Enter "/test" as the subdirectory.
  4. Click "Create".
  5. You should see a message that the site was created successfully.

Create new SQL registration database for the test website

  1. TODO: Add instructions.

Create new SQL Elmah database for the test website

  1. TODO: Add instructions.

Add connection strings for new SQL registration and Elmah test databases for the test website

  1. TODO: Add instructions.

Adding the Odyssey Registration WebAPI


Created a new project in the solution named OdysseyRegistrationWebApi

  1. Right-clicked on the sln and selected "Add, New Project..."
  2. Selected "ASP.NET Core Web API".
  3. Used the following options:
    1. .NET 8.0 (Long Term Support)
    2. Authentication type: None (I may need to fix this later)
    3. Configure for HTTPS: checked
    4. Enable container support: checked
    5. Do not use top-level statements: unchecked
    6. Use controllers: checked
    7. Enlist in .NET Aspire orchestration: unchecked
  4. I was then prompted with:
    1. ⚠️ This solution contains packages with vulnerabilities. Manage NuGet Packages.
    2. Clicked the "Manage NuGet Packages" link.
    3. I checked "Show only vulnerable".
    4. jQuery.UI.Combined needed to be updated from 1.10.3 to 1.13.2.
    5. The only project using it looks like OdysseyMvc4.
  5. I still got vulnerability warnings in my build output.
    1. Upgraded jQuery 2.0.3 in OdysseyMvc4.
    2. jQuery.UI.Combined 1.10.3 OdysseyMvc4.

Enabling SQL Server to run via a Docker Compose project (.dcproj)


  1. In VS 2022, I right-clicked on the solution and selected Add, Container Orchestrator Support.

    1. Docker Compose
    2. Linux Containers
  2. I updated the docker-compose.yml file with the contents of one I found for adding a SQL Server 2022 database, modifying it by leveraging Docker Compose secrets.

        MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/sa_password
        ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        - "1433:1433"
  3. I followed the instructions here:

  4. I created init\init.sql with the following content.

     USE [master];
     IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = 'vaodyssey')
         CREATE LOGIN [vaodyssey] WITH PASSWORD = '********', CHECK_POLICY = OFF;
         ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [vaodyssey];
  5. I copied OdysseyRegistration\Odyssey.Database\Scripts\2023-12-02 - NoVA North Registration Prod Backup.sql to OdysseyRegistration\init\novanorth-prod.sql.

  6. I added a new command to the docker-compose.yml file to create and initialize the Odyssey Registration database:

    /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S sqlserver -U sa -P ${Sa_Password:-********} -d master -i docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/novanorth-prod.sql;
  7. Replaced passwords in docker-compose.yml file:

  8. Right-click on the docker-compose project in VS and select "Compose Up".

    1. TODO: Are any steps missing before this?


  1. I'm figuring out where I left off and what everything does in the .sln.
  2. I believe the OdysseyMvc2023 project is the main project that runs on my desktop against a SQL Server database running in a local Docker container.
  3. When I built the docker-compose project in the .sln, it built two projects:
    1. OdysseyRegistrationWebApi
    2. docker-compose
  4. Then I right-click on the docker-compose project and select "Compose Up".
    1. The sqlserver.configurator-1 container starts and exits.
    2. The sqlserver-1 container starts and keeps running.
    3. The odysseyregistrationwebapi-1 container starts and keeps running.
    4. I can now run SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to the SQL Server database running in the sqlserver-1 container.
      1. The database is fully populated with the data from the init\novanorth-prod.sql script.
        1. TODO: I think that's where the data came from. I need to verify this.
  5. The login for the user in the Odyssey Registration MVC app failed, but otherwise I think it's working on my desktop.
    1. I updated OdysseyRegistration\OdysseyMvc2023\Web.config with Data Source=localhost (i.e., Docker), user=sa, and password=********.
  6. The following code threw an exception in OdysseyRegistration\OdysseyMvc2023\Models\OdysseyRepository.cs on line 355.
    1. Event tournamentInfo = this.tournamentInfo ?? (this.TournamentInfo = Queryable.Where<Event>((IQueryable<Event>)this.context.Events, (Expression<Func<Event, bool>>)(o => o.EventName.StartsWith(this.RegionName) && o.EventName.Contains("Tournament"))).First<Event>());
    2. The EventName in the Events DB table needed to be renamed from "NoVA North Regional Tournament" to "NoVA North and NoVA South Regional Tournament".
    3. This is because I'm using last year's DB data and we were a combined region last year.
      1. TODO: Consider adding some kind of check for a valid region name to match the number.
      2. TODO: DEFINITELY add logging for this issue.
    4. The code continued after this name change!!!
  7. The web site is running locally!
  8. Judges and Tournament Registration show as "(Coming Soon!)"
    1. I commented these lines out and uncommented the lines that allow you to proceed to the registration pages.
  9. Now both the Judges and Tournament Registration pages are showing Closed.

Exporting a MySQL database from the Hosting Company's Server and importing it to a local Docker MySQL instance (also remotely manage remote MySQL database from the mysql command-line tool)


We use MySQL for WordPress and SQL Server for registration data.

  1. Run MySQL in a Docker container locally:
docker run --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<any password to connect> -v C:\Users\Rob\Downloads:/downloads -d mysql:latest
  1. Open a shell in the Docker container:
docker exec -it mysql bash
  1. Create a dump file of the MySQL database:
mysqldump -u vaodyss -p mysql_12824_wordpress -h > dump.sql


  1. Connect to the MySQL server:
mysql -u vaodyss -p mysql_12824_wordpress -h
  1. Copy the dump file out of the Docker container:
docker cp mysql:/dump.sql C:\Users\rob\Downloads\
  1. Restore/Import the MySQL database on the new server:
mysql -u vaodyssey -p mysql_12824_wordpress24 -h < dump.sql


See Section 6.5.1 mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Client for command-line usage once connected to the remote MySQL server. Also see mysql Client Commands.

MySQL command-line tool examples

SELECT * FROM wp_table;

MySQL Database for WordPress data (vs. SQL Server for Odyssey Registration data)


Original MySQL 5 Database

Database Name:      mysql_12824_wordpress
Version:            MySQL 5
Database Server:
Database User:      vaodyss
Database Password:  *****
Assigned Quota:     100 MB
Usage:              37 MB

New MySQL 8 Database

Database Name:      mysql_12824_wordpress24
Version:            MySQL 8
Database Server:
Database User:      vaodyssey
Database Password:  *****
Assigned Quota:     100 MB
Usage:              36 MB


  1. The database version increased from 5 to 8.
  2. The current database name ends in "24" for 2024.
  3. The server moved from my01 to my06.
  4. The username changed from vaodyss to vaodyssey.

I modified our /wp/wp-config.php file on the hosting company's site to point to the new MySQL 8.x database via SFTP.


  1. Used EF Core Power Tools to reverse engineer the Odyssey Registration database.

  2. To export data from the current SQL database as JSON, run a query like the following in SSMS:

  3. Add a link like entity.HasData(SeedHelper.SeedData<School>("Schools.json")); to the modelBuilder.Entity<School>() code within the OnModelCreating method in the OdysseyContext class.

  4. Added EF migrations using the Developer PowerShell for VS 2022 window.

  5. Used the following commands:

    dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
    dotnet ef database update
    dotnet ef migrations add UpdateConfigSeedData
    dotnet ef database update
    dotnet ef migrations add UpdateSchoolsSeedData
    dotnet ef database update
    dotnet ef migrations add UpdateEventSeedData
    dotnet ef database update
    dotnet ef migrations add UpdateProblemSeedData
    dotnet ef database update


  1. Don't forget that the Problem table Id had to start at 1 where it used to start at 0. So, the code needs to be updated to handle this.


  1. Add sweetalert2 to replace alerts.
    1. A beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.


  1. Mandatory: Add the membership name and number to the tournament registration email sent to the coach.
  2. Preferable: Populate the membership name and number from the schools table into the tournament registration table at the time of registration.


  1. Committed ALL of the modified files to the git repo after removing all passwords.
    1. Pushed to GitHub.
  2. Roll back anything in the .NET updates that are incompatible with the .NET Framework / ASP.NET v4 version of the website just to get onto .NET (Core) and be finished with .NET Framework once and for all.
  3. Once the .NET (not Framework) site is in production, then re-add updates/changes that were checked in today.
  4. Convert the Run the SQL Server database in a Docker container (manually) section into a Dockerfile that can be built instead of step-by-step PowerShell cmdlets.


Judge and Tournament Registration for NoVA North Odyssey of the Mind






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