day zero and day one of the okd installation
This lab is not meant for a quick peek at okd, this lab is meant to practise automating a real working environment deployment. This deployment will initially be done with 3 master nodes which will initially be configured as worker nodes. Since it is already expensive enough to use 3 real machines for this I will try to use only tools that are free to use for everybody.
After this is done I will address the following issues.
- adding worker nodes
- removing the worker role from the master nodes
- setting up gitops for the management of the cluster (argocd/git)
- adding storage (using csi)
- configuring the local registry to use that storage
- adding ldap authentication (external freeipa)
- adding certificates (using letsencrypt)
If you just want a quick peek at okd, use the code ready containers version for that.
A nice instruction can be found here for setting up the okd environment with crc.
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = doublecircle]; S;
node [shape = point ]; qi
node [shape = circle];
qi -> S;
S -> q1 [ label = "a" ];
S -> S [ label = "a" ];
q1 -> S [ label = "a" ];
q1 -> q2 [ label = "ddb" ];
q2 -> q1 [ label = "b" ];
q2 -> q2 [ label = "b" ];
digraph switches {
sw1 [ label="Switch 1\n192.168.1.101" ];
sw2 [ label="Switch 2\n192.168.1.102" ];
sw3 [ label="Switch 3\n192.168.1.103" ];
sw4 [ label="Switch 4\n192.168.1.104" ];
sw1 -> sw2;
sw1 -- sw3;
sw1 -- sw4;
sw3 -- sw4;
sw2 -- sw3;