Archiving this repository as the site hasn't been accessible lately and it seems they got into a bit of legal trouble:
A .Net Standard client for the CoinField cryptocurrency API.
This version covers most all public methods of the REST API V1.
An account is not required to access the public API methods. However, if you do create an account, please use my affiliate link when you register. It's an easy way to give back to this project at no cost to you:
Install-Package CoinField.Api
using CoinField.Api;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello CoinField!");
using (var client = new CoinFieldClient())
// Get the status to test connectivity.
var statusResult = client.GetStatusAsync().Result;
// Get the timestamp of the server.
var timeResult = client.GetTimestampAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("Status is '{0}' at {1}.", statusResult.Status, timeResult.Timestamp);
// From this point, let's explore the BitCoin - Canadian Dollar market.
var market = "btccad";
ShowOrderBook(client, market);
ShowDepth(client, market);
ShowOhlc(client, market);
ShowTrades(client, market);
// Keep the console window open.
Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit.");
private static void ShowCurrencies(CoinFieldClient client)
var result = client.GetCurrenciesAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot {0} currencies in {1}.\n", result.Currencies.Count(), result.Took);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Id",5} |{"Type",10} |{"Erc20",5} |{"Name",16} |{"Symbol",6} |{"ISO 4217",8} |{ "Precision",5}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 72));
foreach (var currency in result.Currencies)
Console.WriteLine($"{currency.Id,5} |" +
$"{currency.Type,10} |" +
$"{currency.Erc20,5} |" +
$"{currency.Name,16} |" +
$"{currency.Symbol,6} |" +
$"{currency.Iso4217,8} |" +
private static void ShowMarkets(CoinFieldClient client)
var result = client.GetMarketsAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot {0} markets in {1}.\n", result.Markets.Count(), result.Took);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Id",10} |{"Name",10} |{"Ask Prc",10} |{"Bid Prc",10} |{"Min Funds",10} |{"Max Funds",10} |{ "Min Volume",10} |{ "Max Volume",10}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 95));
foreach (var market in result.Markets)
Console.WriteLine($"{market.Id,10} |" +
$"{market.Name,10} |" +
$"{market.AskPrecision,10} |" +
$"{market.BidPrecision,10} |" +
$"{market.MinimumFunds,10} |" +
$"{market.MaximumFunds,10} |" +
$"{market.MinimumVolume,10} |" +
private static void ShowTickers(CoinFieldClient client)
var result = client.GetTickersAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot {0} tickers in {1}.\n", result.Markets.Count(), result.Took);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Market",10} |{"Bid",10} |{"Ask",10} |{"Low",10} |{"High",10} |{ "Last",10} |{ "Open",10} |{ "Volume",10}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 95));
foreach (var market in result.Markets)
Console.WriteLine($"{market.Market,10} |" +
$"{market.Bid,10} |" +
$"{market.Ask,10} |" +
$"{market.Low,10} |" +
$"{market.High,10} |" +
$"{market.Last,10} |" +
$"{market.Open,10} |" +
private static void ShowOrderBook(CoinFieldClient client, string market)
var result = client.GetOrderBookAsync(market).Result;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot order book for '{0}' in {1}.\n", result.Market, result.Took);
Console.WriteLine("Total volume of asks is {0} with hash {1}", result.TotalAsks, result.AsksHash);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Id",20} |{"Price",10} |{"Volume",10} |{"Timestamp", 25}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 75));
foreach (var ask in result.Asks.OrderByDescending(a=> a.Price))
Console.WriteLine($"{ask.Id,20} |" +
$"{ask.Price,10} |" +
$"{ask.Volume,10} |" +
Console.WriteLine("Total volume of bids is {0} with hash {1}", result.TotalBids, result.BidsHash);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Id",20} |{"Price",10} |{"Volume",10} |{"Timestamp",25}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 75));
foreach (var bid in result.Bids.OrderByDescending(b=> b.Price))
Console.WriteLine($"{bid.Id,20} |" +
$"{bid.Price,10} |" +
$"{bid.Volume,10} |" +
private static void ShowDepth(CoinFieldClient client, string market)
var result = client.GetDepthAsync(market).Result;
decimal sum;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot depth for '{0}' in {1}.\n", result.Market, result.Took);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Price",10} |{"Volume",15} |{"Sum Asks",10}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40));
sum = 0;
foreach (var ask in result.Asks.OrderBy(a => a.Price))
sum += Convert.ToDecimal(ask.Volume);
Console.WriteLine($"{ask.Price,10} |" + $"{ask.Volume,15}|" + $"{sum,10}");
Console.WriteLine($"{"Price",10} |{"Volume",15} |{"Sum Bids",10}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40));
sum = 0;
foreach (var bid in result.Bids.OrderByDescending(b => b.Price))
sum += Convert.ToDecimal(bid.Volume);
Console.WriteLine($"{bid.Price,10} |" + $"{bid.Volume,15}|" + $"{sum,10}");
private static void ShowOhlc(CoinFieldClient client, string market)
var result = client.GetOhlcAsync(market).Result;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot OHLC for '{0}' in {1}.\n", result.Market, result.Took);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Timestamp",25} |{"Open",10} |{"High",10} |{"Low",10} |{"Close",10} |{ "Volume",10}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 85));
foreach (var line in result.KLines)
Console.WriteLine($"{line.Timestamp,25} |" +
$"{ line.Open,10} |" +
$"{line.High,10} |" +
$"{line.Low,10} |" +
$"{line.Close,10} |" +
private static void ShowTrades(CoinFieldClient client, string market)
var result = client.GetTradesAsync(market).Result;
Console.WriteLine("\nGot trades for '{0}' in {1}.\n", result.Market, result.Took);
Console.WriteLine($"{"Id",20} |{"Price",10} |{"Volume",10} |{"Total Value",15} |{"Timestamp",25}");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 90));
foreach (var trade in result.Trades.OrderByDescending(t => t.Timestamp))
Console.WriteLine($"{trade.Id,20} |" +
$"{trade.Price,10} |" +
$"{trade.Volume,10} |" +
$"{trade.TotalValue,15} |" +
Hello CoinField!
Status is 'ok' at 2018-11-03T21:44:15.702Z.
Got 21 currencies in 0ms.
Id | Type |Erc20 | Name |Symbol |ISO 4217 |Precision
cad | fiat |False |Canadian Dollars | C$ | CAD | 2
usd | fiat |False | US Dollars | $ | USD | 2
eur | fiat |False | Euro | ? | EUR | 2
jpy | fiat |False | Japanese Yen | ¥ | JPY | 2
gbp | fiat |False | British Pounds | £ | GBP | 2
aed | fiat |False | UAE Dirhams | AED | AED | 2
xrp | crypto |False | XRP | XRP | | 8
btc | crypto |False | Bitcoin | ? | XBT | 8
eth | crypto |False | Ethereum | ? | | 8
ltc | crypto |False | Litecoin | L | | 8
dash | crypto |False | Dash | D | | 8
bch | crypto |False | Bitcoin Cash | BCH | | 8
btg | crypto |False | Bitcoin Gold | BTG | | 8
zec | crypto |False | Zcash | ZEC | | 8
zrx | crypto | True | 0x | ZRX | | 8
gnt | crypto | True | Golem | GNT | | 8
rep | crypto | True | Augur | REP | | 8
omg | crypto | True | OmiseGO | OMG | | 8
salt | crypto | True | Salt | SALT | | 8
bat | crypto | True | BAT | BAT | | 8
zil | crypto | True | Zilliqa | ZIL | | 8
Got 29 markets in 0ms.
Id | Name | Ask Prc | Bid Prc | Min Funds | Max Funds |Min Volume |Max Volume
btcxrp | BTC/XRP | 8 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.001 | 50.0
ethxrp | ETH/XRP | 4 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.1 | 300.0
dashxrp | DASH/XRP | 3 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.1 | 500.0
ltcxrp | LTC/XRP | 2 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.1 | 1000.0
bchxrp | BCH/XRP | 3 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.05 | 200.0
zecxrp | ZEC/XRP | 3 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.1 | 500.0
btgxrp | BTG/XRP | 2 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 0.5 | 2000.0
zrxxrp | ZRX/XRP | 1 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 10.0 | 100000.0
gntxrp | GNT/XRP | 1 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 10.0 | 100000.0
repxrp | REP/XRP | 3 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 1.0 | 2000.0
omgxrp | OMG/XRP | 2 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 3.0 | 5000.0
saltxrp | SALT/XRP | 2 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 10.0 | 100000.0
batxrp | BAT/XRP | 1 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 50.0 | 200000.0
zilxrp | ZIL/XRP | 1 | 4 | 20.0 | 500000.0 | 300.0 | 999999.0
xrpcad | XRP/CAD | 4 | 4 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 20.0 | 200000.0
xrpusd | XRP/USD | 4 | 4 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 20.0 | 200000.0
xrpeur | XRP/EUR | 4 | 4 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 20.0 | 200000.0
xrpgbp | XRP/GBP | 4 | 4 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 20.0 | 200000.0
xrpaed | XRP/AED | 4 | 4 | 50.0 | 999999.0 | 20.0 | 200000.0
xrpjpy | XRP/JPY | 4 | 2 | 1500.0 | | 20.0 | 200000.0
btceur | BTC/EUR | 8 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.001 | 50.0
etheur | ETH/EUR | 4 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.1 | 300.0
ltceur | LTC/EUR | 2 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.1 | 1000.0
btccad | BTC/CAD | 8 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.001 | 50.0
ethcad | ETH/CAD | 4 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.1 | 300.0
ltccad | LTC/CAD | 2 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.1 | 1000.0
btcusd | BTC/USD | 8 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.001 | 50.0
ethusd | ETH/USD | 4 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.1 | 300.0
ltcusd | LTC/USD | 2 | 2 | 10.0 | 300000.0 | 0.1 | 1000.0
Got 29 tickers in 10ms.
Market | Bid | Ask | Low | High | Last | Open | Volume
btcxrp | 14273.52 | 14279.51 | 13727.21 | 14571.33 | 14279.51 | 14178.72 | 46.91251
ethxrp | 448.4054 | 450 | 431.5369 | 450.0956 | 449.2476 | 448.3352 | 479.6699
dashxrp | 348.6914 | 349.5387 | 343.897 | 354.2263 | 349.045 | 343.994 | 176.164
ltcxrp | 114.9589 | 115.2536 | 113.8889 | 117.2143 | 115.1178 | 114.4942 | 438.88
bchxrp | 1085.327 | 1086.2 | 1023.921 | 1086.435 | 1085.764 | 1049.381 | 167.979
zecxrp | 262.592 | 262.8915 | 261.059 | 264.9063 | 262.794 | 264.526 | 167.274
btgxrp | 57.9929 | 61.3054 | 59.4447 | 61.9138 | 59.6551 | 60.9575 | 1987.71
zrxxrp | 1.7944 | 1.8025 | 1.7898 | 1.8454 | 1.7986 | 1.8445 | 66718.5
gntxrp | 0.3831 | 0.3838 | 0.3818 | 0.3882 | 0.3834 | 0.3868 | 178090.5
repxrp | 34.6852 | 34.7071 | 32.473 | 34.696 | 34.693 | 32.6428 | 1351.105
omgxrp | 7.1959 | 7.2462 | 6.919 | 7.3035 | 7.2196 | 7.2822 | 6703.51
saltxrp | 1.6366 | 1.6503 | 1.6005 | 1.7624 | 1.6433 | 1.6131 | 15031.24
batxrp | 0.6542 | 0.6637 | 0.6339 | 0.7411 | 0.6583 | 0.7402 | 143563.2
zilxrp | 0.0786 | 0.0789 | 0.0759 | 0.0802 | 0.0787 | 0.0794 | 1319301
xrpcad | 0.6076 | 0.612 | 0.6057 | 0.6232 | 0.6098 | 0.6174 | 703631.8
xrpusd | 0.4656 | 0.4674 | 0.4651 | 0.4759 | 0.4656 | 0.4715 | 673033.2
xrpeur | 0.408 | 0.4112 | 0.4092 | 0.4189 | 0.4096 | 0.4146 | 578611.6
xrpgbp | 0.3572 | 0.36 | 0.3503 | 0.3666 | 0.3586 | 0.3631 | 483945.3
xrpaed | 1.7022 | 1.7152 | 1.7063 | 1.7302 | 1.709 | 1.7294 | 407465.6
xrpjpy | 52.51 | 52.9 | 52.64 | 53.9 | 52.69 | 53.18 | 476827.9
btceur | 5679.78 | 5737.15 | 5703.26 | 5834.78 | 5709.04 | 5729.44 | 58.34494
etheur | 179 | 180.05 | 178.97 | 183.07 | 179.54 | 180.56 | 355.4568
ltceur | 45.84 | 45.97 | 45.72 | 46.92 | 45.91 | 46.33 | 382.94
btccad | 8500 | 8554.02 | 8495.95 | 8678.85 | 8528.72 | 8525.77 | 86.38633
ethcad | 266.67 | 268.02 | 266.39 | 272.65 | 267.32 | 270.23 | 449.2922
ltccad | 68.22 | 68.41 | 68.06 | 69.76 | 68.31 | 68.99 | 506.38
btcusd | 6500 | 6519.49 | 6500.31 | 6629.44 | 6508.44 | 6509.43 | 78.3633
ethusd | 203.59 | 204.58 | 203.35 | 208.12 | 204.09 | 205.7 | 460.8464
ltcusd | 52.13 | 0 | 50.64 | 52.92 | 52.33 | 52.62 | 323.96
Got order book for 'btccad' in 0ms.
Total volume of asks is 3.18403715 with hash 28e1bc754307f263c4c0eaaaf9fbb8e8
Id | Price | Volume | Timestamp
pd111dtrjpl001pe7h | 8700.0 |0.16950358 | 2018-11-03 4:39:17 PM
pd111dtrsc2001pg73 | 8687.7 |0.00176602 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd111dts1dp001ph7q | 8683.52 | 0.0020514 | 2018-11-03 8:31:53 PM
pd111dtrsc2001pg7s | 8678.15 | 0.0028565 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd111dtrsbr001pg58 | 8676.4 |0.00207886 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd111dts1dp001ph7r | 8669.65 |0.15976554 | 2018-11-03 8:31:53 PM
pd111dtrsc2001pg6p | 8666.02 |1.33042424 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd111dtrsbr001pg57 | 8659.94 |0.00312635 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd111dtrsc2001pg7f | 8654.77 |0.00651062 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd111dts1dp001ph7s | 8652.34 |0.00816768 | 2018-11-03 8:31:53 PM
pd111dtrsbr001pg51 | 8650.43 |0.00286515 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd111dtrsc3001pg81 | 8640.08 |0.20484139 | 2018-11-03 7:05:39 PM
pd111dtrsbr001pg55 | 8637.47 |0.94848854 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd111dts44c001php8 | 8628.0 | 0.002994 | 2018-11-03 9:18:04 PM
pd111dts3po001phn3 | 8620.09 |0.30956066 | 2018-11-03 9:12:24 PM
pd111dts3po001phn5 | 8606.32 |0.00500581 | 2018-11-03 9:12:24 PM
pd111dts3po001phn4 | 8592.57 |0.00535776 | 2018-11-03 9:12:24 PM
pd111dts3po001phn0 | 8572.85 | 0.0070375 | 2018-11-03 9:12:24 PM
pd111dts3po001phn2 | 8564.29 |0.00722647 | 2018-11-03 9:12:24 PM
pd111dts3po001phn1 | 8554.02 |0.00440908 | 2018-11-03 9:12:24 PM
Total volume of bids is 0.4031726 with hash 24fb26865fa70935f4557aec63765bd8
Id | Price | Volume | Timestamp
pd211dtq94m001p525 | 8500.0 | 0.2159004 | 2018-11-03 4:31:18 AM
pd211dtrsbr001pg59 | 8455.12 | 0.004074 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5n | 8455.12 | 0.0041732 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsbr001pg4v | 8124.01 | 0.0035094 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg64 | 8124.01 | 0.0170562 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5o | 8116.7 | 0.0100614 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5i | 8105.34 | 0.0051546 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsbr001pg5a | 8104.52 | 0.0067212 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5l | 8097.23 | 0.009453 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsbr001pg52 | 8083.45 | 0.003939 | 2018-11-03 7:05:31 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5k | 8077.8 | 0.015747 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg7i | 8060.84 | 0.0160662 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5t | 8048.75 | 0.0030708 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5p | 8031.84 | 0.0164778 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg67 | 8023.81 | 0.0042012 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg62 | 8009.37 | 0.0166944 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5s | 7996.55 | 0.0173496 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5m | 7986.16 | 0.007749 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg5r | 7970.19 | 0.0123354 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
pd211dtrsc2001pg63 | 7955.04 | 0.0134388 | 2018-11-03 7:05:38 PM
Got depth for 'btccad' in 22ms.
Price | Volume | Sum Asks
8554.02 | 0.00440908|0.00440908
8564.29 | 0.00722647|0.01163555
8572.85 | 0.0070375|0.01867305
8592.57 | 0.00535776|0.02403081
8606.32 | 0.00500581|0.02903662
8620.09 | 0.30956066|0.33859728
8628.0 | 0.002994|0.34159128
8637.47 | 0.94848854|1.29007982
8640.08 | 0.20484139|1.49492121
8650.43 | 0.00286515|1.49778636
8652.34 | 0.00816768|1.50595404
8654.77 | 0.00651062|1.51246466
8659.94 | 0.00312635|1.51559101
8666.02 | 1.33042424|2.84601525
8669.65 | 0.15976554|3.00578079
8676.4 | 0.00207886|3.00785965
8678.15 | 0.0028565|3.01071615
8683.52 | 0.0020514|3.01276755
8687.7 | 0.00176602|3.01453357
8700.0 | 0.16950358|3.18403715
8701.76 | 0.00320546|3.18724261
8705.94 | 0.00196095|3.18920356
8717.26 | 0.98492231|4.17412587
8720.9 | 0.89035257|5.06447844
8729.46 | 0.97990724|6.04438568
8729.62 | 0.00404966|6.04843534
8740.0 | 0.12352113|6.17195647
8742.56 | 0.00200752|6.17396399
8768.79 | 0.0085262|6.18249019
8773.86 | 0.7424|6.92489019
8792.46 | 0.00442848|6.92931867
8801.23 | 0.425|7.35431867
8803.01 | 0.00290694|7.35722561
8825.02 | 0.88957643|8.24680204
8835.61 | 0.00600613|8.25280817
8847.07 | 0.00174755|8.25455572
8850.0 | 1.12570017|9.38025589
8855.05 | 0.00528761|9.38554350
8860.25 | 0.4688|9.85434350
8863.9 | 0.00801067|9.86235417
8886.95 | 0.0086268|9.87098097
8900.28 | 0.00150064|9.87248161
8926.09 | 0.0077026|9.88018421
8949.3 | 0.41833973|10.29852394
8960.04 | 0.00705422|10.30557816
8981.54 | 0.00191319|10.30749135
8994.12 | 0.00509148|10.31258283
9015.7 | 1.4809955|11.79357833
9024.72 | 0.00391533|11.79749366
9037.35 | 0.00332905|11.80082271
9054.52 | 0.00183945|11.80266216
9066.29 | 0.00558851|11.80825067
9078.99 | 0.00551448|11.81376515
9100.78 | 0.00315889|11.81692404
9121.71 | 0.00419325|11.82111729
9148.16 | 0.00833276|11.82945005
9171.95 | 0.00277948|11.83222953
9187.54 | 0.00518939|11.83741892
Price | Volume | Sum Bids
8500.0 | 0.2159004| 0.2159004
8455.12 | 0.0082472| 0.2241476
8124.01 | 0.0205656| 0.2447132
8116.7 | 0.0100614| 0.2547746
8105.34 | 0.0051546| 0.2599292
8104.52 | 0.0067212| 0.2666504
8097.23 | 0.009453| 0.2761034
8083.45 | 0.003939| 0.2800424
8077.8 | 0.015747| 0.2957894
8060.84 | 0.0160662| 0.3118556
8048.75 | 0.0030708| 0.3149264
8031.84 | 0.0164778| 0.3314042
8023.81 | 0.0042012| 0.3356054
8009.37 | 0.0166944| 0.3522998
7996.55 | 0.0173496| 0.3696494
7986.16 | 0.007749| 0.3773984
7970.19 | 0.0123354| 0.3897338
7955.04 | 0.0134388| 0.4031726
7940.72 | 0.0051282| 0.4083008
7931.2 | 1.5103| 1.9186008
7918.0 | 1.1619| 3.0805008
7910.57 | 0.004131| 3.0846318
7900.29 | 0.0126438| 3.0972756
7882.91 | 0.0116064| 3.1088820
7870.3 | 0.005373| 3.1142550
7863.0 | 0.111| 3.2252550
7862.43 | 1.2706| 4.4958550
7846.7 | 0.017937| 4.5137920
7827.87 | 1.9986| 6.5123920
7820.04 | 0.0179352| 6.5303272
7796.58 | 0.006648| 6.5369752
7779.43 | 1.6173| 8.1542752
7759.98 | 2.9519|11.1061752
7751.44 | 0.0068196|11.1129948
7739.82 | 0.0168912|11.1298860
7720.47 | 1.1313|12.2611860
7712.75 | 0.0071484|12.2683344
7698.09 | 0.0110676|12.2794020
7687.32 | 0.0123174|12.2917194
7680.4 | 0.0133878|12.3051072
7668.88 | 0.0074592|12.3125664
7652.01 | 0.8599|13.1724664
7641.29 | 0.0147078|13.1871742
7619.9 | 0.0127404|13.1999146
7606.18 | 0.0120732|13.2119878
7598.57 | 1.1278|14.3397878
7590.22 | 0.0167706|14.3565584
7575.04 | 0.0064782|14.3630366
7565.19 | 0.0128886|14.3759252
7544.01 | 0.0117804|14.3877056
7523.64 | 0.0107358|14.3984414
Got OHLC for 'btccad' in 14ms.
Timestamp | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume
2018-11-03 7:15:00 PM | 8521.12 | 8521.12 | 8521.12 | 8521.12 | 0.6935
2018-11-03 7:20:00 PM | 8521.12 | 8521.12 | 8518.56 | 8518.56 | 0.7553
2018-11-03 7:25:00 PM | 8518.56 | 8521.12 | 8518.56 | 8521.12 | 0.4809
2018-11-03 7:30:00 PM | 8521.12 | 8521.12 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 0.6211
2018-11-03 7:35:00 PM | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 0.3911
2018-11-03 7:40:00 PM | 8519.41 | 8520.26 | 8519.41 | 8520.26 | 0.3933
2018-11-03 7:45:00 PM | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8518.56 | 8518.56 | 0.9732
2018-11-03 7:50:00 PM | 8518.56 | 8520.26 | 8518.56 | 8520.26 | 0.6496
2018-11-03 7:55:00 PM | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 0.0
2018-11-03 8:00:00 PM | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 0.6186
2018-11-03 8:05:00 PM | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 0.3417
2018-11-03 8:10:00 PM | 8520.26 | 8520.26 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 0.925
2018-11-03 8:15:00 PM | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 0.7021
2018-11-03 8:20:00 PM | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 0.0
2018-11-03 8:25:00 PM | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 8519.41 | 0.0
2018-11-03 8:30:00 PM | 8519.41 | 8637.47 | 8519.41 | 8637.47 | 0.1672323
2018-11-03 8:35:00 PM | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 0.6826
2018-11-03 8:40:00 PM | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 8514.25 | 8514.25 | 0.3555
2018-11-03 8:45:00 PM | 8525.91 | 8525.91 | 8525.91 | 8525.91 | 0.4248
2018-11-03 8:50:00 PM | 8525.91 | 8525.91 | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 0.712
2018-11-03 8:55:00 PM | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 8523.35 | 8523.35 | 0.5169
2018-11-03 9:00:00 PM | 8523.35 | 8524.2 | 8523.35 | 8524.2 | 0.6779
2018-11-03 9:05:00 PM | 8524.2 | 8524.2 | 8523.35 | 8523.35 | 0.4428
2018-11-03 9:10:00 PM | 8523.35 | 8637.47 | 8523.35 | 8627.33 |0.77411976
2018-11-03 9:15:00 PM | 8627.33 | 8627.33 | 8527.01 | 8527.01 | 0.7129
2018-11-03 9:20:00 PM | 8527.01 | 8527.86 | 8527.01 | 8527.86 | 0.3561
2018-11-03 9:25:00 PM | 8527.86 | 8527.86 | 8525.3 | 8525.3 | 0.5013
2018-11-03 9:30:00 PM | 8525.3 | 8527.86 | 8525.3 | 8527.86 | 0.5444
2018-11-03 9:35:00 PM | 8525.3 | 8525.3 | 8525.3 | 8525.3 | 0.5286
2018-11-03 9:40:00 PM | 8525.3 | 8528.72 | 8525.3 | 8528.72 | 0.3712
Got trades for 'btccad' in 13ms.
Id | Price | Volume | Total Value | Timestamp
pd1dts5if00an1ca | 8528.72 | 0.3712 | 3165.860864 | 2018-11-03 9:42:39 PM
pd1dts54s00an1c9 | 8525.3 | 0.5286 | 4506.47358 | 2018-11-03 9:35:24 PM
pd1dts52a00an1c8 | 8527.86 | 0.5444 | 4642.566984 | 2018-11-03 9:34:02 PM
pd1dts4p700an1c7 | 8525.3 | 0.5013 | 4273.73289 | 2018-11-03 9:29:11 PM
pd1dts4b100an1c6 | 8527.86 | 0.3561 | 3036.770946 | 2018-11-03 9:21:37 PM
pd1dts43900an1c5 | 8527.01 | 0.7129 | 6078.905429 | 2018-11-03 9:17:29 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1c4 | 8627.33 |0.00161378 | 13.9226126074 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1c3 | 8605.81 |0.00326695 | 28.1147509795 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1c2 | 8567.21 |0.00395623 | 33.8938532183 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1c1 | 8550.11 |0.00373682 | 31.9502220502 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1c0 | 8598.07 | 0.0057718 | 49.626340426 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1bv | 8637.47 |0.19999079 |1727.4144489013 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3pk00an1bu | 8590.34 |0.00408339 | 35.0777084526 | 2018-11-03 9:12:20 PM
pd1dts3op00an1bt | 8525.06 | 0.5517 | 4703.275602 | 2018-11-03 9:11:53 PM
pd1dts3k000an1bs | 8523.35 | 0.4428 | 3774.13938 | 2018-11-03 9:09:20 PM
pd1dts34o00an1br | 8524.2 | 0.6779 | 5778.55518 | 2018-11-03 9:01:12 PM
pd1dts30d00an1bq | 8523.35 | 0.5169 | 4405.719615 | 2018-11-03 8:58:53 PM
pd1dts2nj00an1bp | 8524.2 | 0.712 | 6069.2304 | 2018-11-03 8:54:11 PM
pd1dts27f00an1bo | 8525.91 | 0.4248 | 3621.806568 | 2018-11-03 8:45:35 PM
pd1dts22d00an1bn | 8514.25 | 0.3555 | 3026.815875 | 2018-11-03 8:42:53 PM
pd1dts1l200an1bm | 8524.2 | 0.6826 | 5818.61892 | 2018-11-03 8:35:46 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bl | 8637.47 |0.08874835 | 766.5612106745 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bk | 8622.84 | 0.008065 | 69.5432046 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bj | 8621.09 |0.00837575 | 72.2080945675 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bi | 8596.16 |0.00522104 | 44.8808952064 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bh | 8549.07 |0.00727453 | 62.1904661871 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bg | 8588.46 |0.00775812 | 66.6303032952 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bf | 8573.88 |0.00892591 | 76.5296812308 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1be | 8580.72 |0.00781484 | 67.0569538848 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bd | 8614.22 |0.00322845 | 27.810578559 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bc | 8560.18 | 0.0089295 | 76.43812731 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1bb | 8540.53 |0.00687452 | 58.7120442956 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1ba | 8540.53 |0.00273172 | 23.3303366116 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts1dn00an1b9 | 8557.61 |0.00328457 | 28.1080690777 | 2018-11-03 8:31:51 PM
pd1dts0m900an1b8 | 8519.41 | 0.7021 | 5981.477761 | 2018-11-03 8:19:21 PM
pd1dts0cd00an1b7 | 8519.41 | 0.3582 | 3051.652662 | 2018-11-03 8:14:05 PM
pd1dts08q00an1b6 | 8519.41 | 0.5668 | 4828.801588 | 2018-11-03 8:12:10 PM
pd1dtrvrg00an1b5 | 8520.26 | 0.3417 | 2911.372842 | 2018-11-03 8:05:04 PM
pd1dtrvir00an1b4 | 8520.26 | 0.6186 | 5270.632836 | 2018-11-03 8:00:27 PM
pd1dtrv8900an1b3 | 8520.26 | 0.6496 | 5534.760896 | 2018-11-03 7:54:49 PM
pd1dtruv600an1b2 | 8518.56 | 0.3569 | 3040.274064 | 2018-11-03 7:49:58 PM
pd1dtrupa00an1b1 | 8520.26 | 0.6163 | 5251.036238 | 2018-11-03 7:46:50 PM
pd1dtruhv00an1b0 | 8520.26 | 0.3933 | 3351.018258 | 2018-11-03 7:42:55 PM
pd1dtru8500an1av | 8519.41 | 0.3911 | 3331.941251 | 2018-11-03 7:37:41 PM
pd1dtrtuk00an1au | 8520.26 | 0.6211 | 5291.933486 | 2018-11-03 7:32:36 PM
pd1dtrtma00an1at | 8521.12 | 0.4809 | 4097.806608 | 2018-11-03 7:28:10 PM
pd1dtrt9j00an1as | 8518.56 | 0.7553 | 6434.068368 | 2018-11-03 7:21:23 PM
pd1dtrt3l00an1ar | 8521.12 | 0.6935 | 5909.39672 | 2018-11-03 7:18:13 PM
pd1dtrseu00an1aq | 8521.12 | 0.6986 | 5952.854432 | 2018-11-03 7:07:10 PM
pd1dtrsb400an1ap | 8517.83 | 0.3926 | 3344.100058 | 2018-11-03 7:05:08 PM
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var result = client.GetOrderBookAsync("btczec", 20).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
catch (CoinFieldException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}, Message: {1}", ex.Status, ex.Message);
foreach(var error in ex.Errors)
Console.WriteLine("Field: {0}, Location: {1} ", error.Field, error.Location);
foreach(var message in error.Messages)
foreach (var type in error.Types)
Console.WriteLine("Time: {0}", ex.Timestamp);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
Status: 400, Message: Validation Error
Field: market, Location: params
"market" must be one of [btccad, ethcad, xrpcad, ltccad, btcusd, ethusd, xrpusd, ltcusd, btceur, etheur, xrpeur, ltceur, xrpjpy, xrpgbp, xrpaed, ethxrp, btcxrp, dashxrp, ltcxrp, zecxrp, btgxrp, bchxrp, zrxxrp, gntxrp, repxrp, omgxrp, saltxrp, batxrp, zilxrp, trxxrp]
Time: 2018-11-03 11:26:58 PM
- Ripple (XRP): rK7D3QnTrYdkp1fGKKzHFNXZpqN8dUCfaf Tag: 483
- BitCoin (BTC): 3HRvBkwFQ75WxhHmZjpj59iTL3ecqS4tF7
- Ethereum (ETH): 0xaed6becb8390c1616156be330ad09a75db4b47b4
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- Bitcoin Cash (BCH): 3DMnrmTJAQZ6ztag1B3WLeE7uQYNr69rxA
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- ZCash (ZEC): t3WMebzJcFjopK75tEoGXc2L94Dz7VeqEQF
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- Golem (GNT): 0xaed6becb8390c1616156be330ad09a75db4b47b4
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- Augur (REP): 0xaed6becb8390c1616156be330ad09a75db4b47b4
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- Salt (SALT): 0xaed6becb8390c1616156be330ad09a75db4b47b4
- BAT (BAT): 0xaed6becb8390c1616156be330ad09a75db4b47b4
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