A python3 script to assist TraceView in its use,For crawling the information(lable,abi) needed by TraceView.
For additional information see the TraceView FAQ.
About TraceView: a pure front-end evm trace visualization tool, URL:
Fill Raw traces into rawtraces.txt file
vim rawtraces.txt
Install dependency packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the script to see the instructions
python main.py
Raw traces fill to rawtraces.txt
And run e.g. :
python main.py "https://etherscan.io/address/ADDRESSFLAG#code"
The script parameters provide the URL of the Blockchain Explorer's contract code page ,through which to crawl to the required information.
ADDRESSFLAG is a variable representing an address, similar to a placeholder, which will be replaced by the actual address at runtime
Run command according to this
Paste the Address map and Function map from the script output into TraceView