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Rishabh committed Nov 29, 2022
0 parents commit bcff076
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Showing 5 changed files with 603 additions and 0 deletions.
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions Finding 1-D collisions of a system of point
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
class Empty(Exception):
class HeapPriorityQueue():
#------------------------------ nonpublic behaviors ------------------------------
def _parent(self, j):
return (j-1) // 2 #returns the index of parent element of jth element in the heap
def _left(self, j):
return 2*j+1 #returns the index of left element of jth element in the heap
def _right(self, j):
return 2*j+2 #returns the index of right element of jth element in the heap
def _has_left(self, j): #returns whether the jth element has a left element in the heap or not
return self._left(j) < len(self._data) # if index of left element of jth element is less than the length of list contaning heap elements then left element will exist and returns true otherwise false
def _has_right(self, j): #returns whether the jth element has a right element in the heap or not
return self._right(j) < len(self._data) # if index of right element of jth element is less than the length of list contaning heap elements then right element will exist and returns true otherwise false
def _swap(self, i, j): #swaps the elements ith and jth index in the heap
self._data[i], self._data[j] = self._data[j], self._data[i] #interchanging ith and jth elements
def _upheap(self, j): #pushes an element from bottom to suitable position up inside the heap
parent = self._parent(j) #accessign the parent of jth element
if j > 0 and self._data[j] < self._data[parent]: #if parent is larger than jth element then jth element needs to be pushed up so we interchange jth element and its parent and recursively upheap it again
self._swap(j, parent)
self._upheap(parent) # recur at position of parent
def _downheap(self, j): #pushes an element from top to suitable position down the heap
if self._has_left(j):
left = self._left(j)
small_child = left # initally assuming left child is smaller than right
if self._has_right(j):
right = self._right(j)
if self._data[right] < self._data[left]: #then checking the smaller among right and left child assigning the index of smaller value to the small_child variable
small_child = right
if self._data[small_child] < self._data[j]: #if the jth element is greater than small_child(i.e. greater than both children) then we need to push it down so swap j with small_child index
self._swap(j, small_child)
self._downheap(small_child) # recur at position of small child
#------------------------------ public behaviors ------------------------------
def __init__(self,l):
self._data=l #initially taking a list l which needs to be converted into a binary heap later
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data) #returns lenth of the list containing elements of the binary heap
def is_empty(self):
return len(self) == 0 #returns true if heap is empty
def enqueue(self,key): #function to insert an element inside the heap
self._upheap(len(self._data)-1) #since it was appended at the last index so we upheap the last index of the list
def min(self): #rerurns the minimum element of the heap without removing it
if self.is_empty():
raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
key = self._data[0] #1st element of the list is the least element
return key
def remove_min(self): #returns the least element as well as removes it from the heap
if self.is_empty():
raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
self._swap(0,len(self._data)-1) #swapping the 1st and last element of the list
item=self._data.pop() #accessing the last element which is the smallest after swapping
self._downheap(0) #downheaping the 1st element which is the last element after swapping to suitale position so that next smallesst element of the heap comes at top again
return item #returning the smallest element

def listCollisions(M,x,v,m,T):
upcoming_coll=[-1]*len(M) #a list to store the times of upcoming collisions of any ith index
times=[] #a list to store the values of times at which collision can take place initially to be used to build the heap at t=0
ans=[] #final output list
time=0 #variable storing the value of time elapsed at the moment a collision has completed which keeps on updating on every collision
count=0 #variable storing the number of collisons that have took place
prev_coll=[0]*len(M) # list storing the times of just previous collision of any ith index collision
h=HeapPriorityQueue(times) # initiating heap using the initial time list
for i in range(len(v)- 1): #appending possible collision times in the times list initially
if v[i]-v[i+1]>0: #only in this case collison will be possible
times.append([(x[i+1]-x[i])/(v[i]-v[i+1]),i]) #storing time of collsion and the index as a list
upcoming_coll[i]=(x[i+1]-x[i])/(v[i]-v[i+1]) #updating the upcoming collision list
for i in range(len(times)-1,-1,-1): #fast buildheap method to convert the times list into heap
while time<T and count<m and not(h.is_empty()):
coll=h.remove_min() #extracting the collision with least time i.e. one which will happen at first among all the possiblities inside the heap
i=coll[1] #index of collision
time=coll[0] #updating the time variable since the 0th index of heap element stores the time at which that collision will occur
if time==upcoming_coll[i]: #for handling those cases when the time of collision of any ith index might have changed in between and the heap might be containing multiple collisions of a single index. So we continue only if the value of time(same as 0th index of collision list stored in heap) is same as the upcoming value of time of collision which keeps on updating so has the correct time at which collision of ith index will take place.
if time<=T: # we continue only if the elapsed time till this collsion is less than or equal to T.
x[i]=x[i]+v[i]*(time-prev_coll[i]) #updating the position of ith particle using formula final position=intial position+velocity(difference between time of this collison and previous collsion) we the the difference of time because last time we updated the position when its collion took place so we need to update according to time difference till then only.
x[i+1]=x[i] #during collsion position of both particles will be same
v1=v[i] #storing the value of v[i] to be used while updating v[i+1] because v[i] will be changed before v[i+1]
v[i]=(M[i]-M[i+1])*v[i]/(M[i]+M[i+1])+(2*M[i+1])*v[i+1]/(M[i]+M[i+1]) #using formula given in reference link of assignment
v[i+1]=(2*M[i])*v1/(M[i]+M[i+1])-(M[i]-M[i+1])*v[i+1]/(M[i]+M[i+1]) #using formula given in reference link of assignment
prev_coll[i]=time #updating the prev_coll list to be used when collision takes place next time
prev_coll[i+1]=time #updating the prev_coll list to be used when collision takes place next time
ans.append((round(time,4),i,round(x[i],4))) #appending the time,index,potion of collsion in the final ans list
count+=1 #incresing the count variable since collsion has took place
if i>=1: #checking if the collsion of (i-1)th and ith particle after collsion of ith and (i+1)th is possible or not
if v[i-1]-v[i]>0: #if collision is possible
h.enqueue([time+(x[i]-x[i-1]-v[i-1]*(time-prev_coll[i-1]))/(v[i-1]-v[i]),i-1]) #we enqueue the time and index of (i-1)th index collision into the heap
upcoming_coll[i-1]=time+abs(x[i]-x[i-1]-v[i-1]*(time-prev_coll[i-1]))/(v[i-1]-v[i]) #and update the upcoming coll list as this collsion is not yet happened but can happen in future
if i<=len(v)-3: #checking the same thing for possibility of (i+1)th and (i+2)th particle collision
if v[i+1]-v[i+2]>0:
else: #if the time value stored in heap element and upcoming coll list do not match that means, time of this collsion was updated and hence collision at this time is not possible and this element was removed from the heap so we continue to the next iteration without making any changes to position or velocity or heap or final ans list

return(ans) #returning the final ans list
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions Finding Maximum Capacity of a
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
class Empty(Exception):
class HeapPriorityQueue(): #heap class for extarcting the max capcacity of packets
#------------------------------ nonpublic behaviors ------------------------------
def _parent(self, j):
return (j-1) // 2 #returns the index of parent element of jth element in the heap
def _left(self, j):
return 2*j+1 #returns the index of left element of jth element in the heap
def _right(self, j):
return 2*j+2 #returns the index of right element of jth element in the heap
def _has_left(self, j): #returns whether the jth element has a left element in the heap or not
return self._left(j) < len(self._data) # if index of left element of jth element is less than the length of list contaning heap elements then left element will exist and returns true otherwise false
def _has_right(self, j): #returns whether the jth element has a right element in the heap or not
return self._right(j) < len(self._data) # if index of right element of jth element is less than the length of list contaning heap elements then right element will exist and returns true otherwise false
def _swap(self, i, j): #swaps the elements ith and jth index in the heap
self._data[i], self._data[j] = self._data[j], self._data[i] #interchanging ith and jth elements
def _upheap(self, j): #pushes an element from bottom to suitable position up inside the heap
parent = self._parent(j) #accessign the parent of jth element
if j > 0 and self._data[j][1] > self._data[parent][1]: #if parent is samller than jth element then jth element needs to be pushed up so we interchange jth element and its parent and recursively upheap it again
self._swap(j, parent)
self._upheap(parent) # recur at position of parent
def _downheap(self, j): #pushes an element from top to suitable position down the heap
if self._has_left(j):
left = self._left(j)
large_child = left # initally assuming left child is larger than right
if self._has_right(j):
right = self._right(j)
if self._data[right][1] > self._data[left][1]: #then checking the larger among right and left child assigning the index of larger value to the large_child variable
large_child = right
if self._data[large_child][1] > self._data[j][1]: #if the jth element is samller than large_child then we need to push it down so swap j with large_child index
self._swap(j, large_child)
self._downheap(large_child) # recur at position of large child
#------------------------------ public behaviors ------------------------------
def __init__(self,l):
self._data=l #initially taking a list l which needs to be converted into a binary heap later
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data) #returns lenth of the list containing elements of the binary heap
def is_empty(self):
return len(self) == 0 #returns true if heap is empty
def enqueue(self,key): #function to insert an element inside the heap
self._upheap(len(self._data)-1) #since it was appended at the last index so we upheap the last index of the list
def max(self): #rerurns the maximum element of the heap without removing it
if self.is_empty():
raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
key = self._data[0] #1st element of the list is the max element
return key
def remove_max(self): #returns the maximum element as well as removes it from the heap
if self.is_empty():
raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
self._swap(0,len(self._data)-1) #swapping the 1st and last element of the list
item=self._data.pop() #accessing the last element which is the largest after swapping
self._downheap(0) #downheaping the 1st element which is the last element after swapping to suitale position so that next largest element of the heap comes at top again
return item #returning the largest element
def findMaxCapacity(n,l,a,b): #main function
if a==b:
return (float('inf'),[a])
l1=[] #adjacency list
for i in range(n):
l1.append([]) #empty lists for each vertex
for x in l:
l1[x[0]].append((x[1],x[2],x[0])) #appending the edges to both adjacency lists of two vertices
cap=float('inf') #initliasing the capacity of packet that needs to be returned with infinity
prev_list=[-1]*n #a list which stores the source vertices of all the edges that we came across to be used later while printing the final path
prev_list[a]=-2 #initialising the source vertex with -2
ans=[] #path list
h=HeapPriorityQueue(l1[a]) #creating heap list of the edges originating from the source vertex a
for i in range(len(l1[a])-1,-1,-1): #fast buildheap method
while True: #loop runs till we get the destination vertex(then we break it)
node=h.remove_max() # #extracting max capacity packets from the heap
cap=min(cap,node[1]) #updating the cap variable since it is the min of all the capacities along the best(larget capacity) path
if node[0]==b: #when we reach the destination vertex
prev_list[b]=node[2] #update the source of last edge to reach dest
break #exit from loop
elif prev_list[node[0]]!=-1: #if the vertex is already visited then nothings needs to be done
for i in l1[node[0]]: # if we get a new vertex other than dest vertex then we enquque the edges of that vertex in the heap
prev_list[node[0]]=node[2] #update the sorce vertex of the edge
temp=prev_list[b] #temporary variable which stores the value of soruce vertices for tracking the path through which we reached the dest, initialising it with source of dest vertex
ans.append(b) #appending the dest vertex in fianl path list
while prev_list[temp]!=-2: #backtracking the source vertices to get the path and stopping when reached the vertex a(since it's source was stored as -2)
ans.append(temp) #appending the path in ans list
temp=prev_list[temp] #updating temp
ans.append(temp) #appending a when loop stops
ans.reverse() #reversing to get the path from a-b
return (cap,ans) #returning cap and path

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