A E-Commerce website in Node JS in which User can buy Products and Seller can Sell products. It will be overlooked by Admin or Root.
It will run under the url
npm start or node app.js
Email and Password for Online Website:
Email Id: user@gmail.com
Password: user
Seller :
Email :tata@gmail.com
Password: tata
- Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
- MongooseDB
- MongooseDB Compass ( Optional )
- Pre-requisites or Dependencies(Below)
- Admin or Root
- See all Product and Delete Product
- See all Users(Seller or Customer) and Delete them
- Seller
- Ability to add New and Delete Product
- Common Features (Change Password etc.)
- Customer
- See all Product available from Seller
- Ability to add Product in Cart
- Ability to order Product
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Encrpyted |
Name | String | Yes | No | No |
String | Yes | Yes | No | |
Gender | String | Yes | No | No |
Password | String | Yes | No | Yes |
DOB | String | Yes | No | No |
Phone No. | String | Yes | No | No |
Address 1 | String | Yes | No | No |
Address 2 | String | Yes | No | No |
City | String | Yes | No | No |
State | String | Yes | No | No |
ZipCode | String | Yes | No | No |
Type(Role) | String | Yes | No | No |
TotalInCart | Number | No | No | No |
Cart | Array of Object | No | No | No |
Ordered | Array of Object | No | No | No |
Name | Type | Required | Encrpyted |
Category | String | Yes | No |
Name | String | Yes | No |
Price | String | Yes | No |
Img location | String | Yes | No |
Seller Company | String | Yes | No |
|__ Cart
| |----- ProductData
| | |---Type -> ObjectId
| | |---Ref -> Products
| |
| |------ Date
| | |---Type -> String
| |
| |------ Quanitiy
| | |---Type -> Number
|__ Ordered
| |----- ProductData
| | |---Type -> ObjectId
| | |---Ref -> Products
| |
| |------ Date
| | |---Type -> String
| |
| |------ Quanitiy
| | |---Type -> Number
- Express
npm install express
- EJS-Mate
npm install ejs-mate
- Path
npm install path
- Serve Favicon
npm install serve-favicon
- Connect Mongo
npm install connect-mongo
- Express-Session
npm install express-session
- Express-Flash
npm install express-flash
- Multer
npm install multer
- Morgan
npm install morgan
- Mongoose
npm install mongoose
- Body Parser
npm install body-parser
- Dotenv
npm install dotenv
- Bcrpty
npm install bcrpty
- Date Format
npm install dateformat
- Passport
npm install passport
- Passport Local
npm install passport-local
|___ Root
| |--- app.js
| |
| |--- Procfile ( Heroku File )
| |
| |--- .env ( Enviroment File )
| |
| |--- config
| | |--- db.js
| | |--- passport.js
| |
| |--- Controller
| | |--- index.js
| | |--- product.js
| | |--- userproduct.js
| | |--- users.js
| |
| |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
| |
| |--- Middleware
| | |--- middleware.js
| |
| |--- Models
| | |--- product.js
| | |--- Users.js
| |
| |--- Public
| | |--- css (Static)
| | |--- img (Static)
| | |--- js
| | | |--- adminpageProduct-js.js
| | | |--- adminpageUser-js.js
| | | |--- cartpage-js.js
| | | |--- home-js.js
| | | |--- sellerpage-js.js
| |
| |--- Routes
| | |--- Product.js
| | |--- Users.js
| |
| |--- services
| | |--- index.js
| | |--- product.js
| | |--- seller.js
| | |--- tabledata.js
| | |--- user.js
| | |--- userproduct.js
| |
| |--- viwes
| | |--- layout
| | | |--- layout.ejs
| | |
| | |--- partials
| | | |--- includes
| | | | |--- link-css.ejs
| | | | |--- link-js.ejs
| | | |--- footbar.ejs
| | | |--- header.ejs
| | | |--- navbar.ejs
| | |
| | |--- addproductpage.ejs
| | |--- adminpage.ejs
| | |--- adminpageProduct.ejs
| | |--- adminpageUser.ejs
| | |--- cartpage.ejs
| | |--- changepasswordpage.ejs
| | |--- error.ejs
| | |--- home.ejs
| | |--- login.ejs
| | |--- orderedpage.ejs
| | |--- profile.ejs
| | |--- register.ejs
| | |--- sellerpage.ejs