An essential and key advantage of NLP is 'information retrieval' from the vast amount of information available (nowadays), google search is the perfect example of this. Based on tf-idf matrix (vectors), searching for the closest documents within the list of documents, leveraging 'cosine similarity' (illustrated here image).
Based on the concept of matrix multiplication which is really fast, I thought of representing every document/text/queries in the numeric form (else you can't perform matrix multiplication -> core idea of deep learning as well). Tf-idf is one of the 'text vectorization' technique which is being used in order to transform corpus into an equivalent matrix (tf-dif matrix : a numeric representation) form . Once you have the tf-idf vector (metrix) representation, you can leverage this metrix to compute cosine similarity with any other similar vector which can be used to find most closest doc/text/query present in the corpus. This enables us to find those closest/similar patterns in a very short duration. This method does not consider semantic/syntatic similarities between documents/queries/sentences hence it won't work where the objective is to retrieve look-alike documents/queries/sentences, based on the context.
create virtual environment
install requirements
(Above script supports user interactions, do check by typing text/pattern and the output would be the closest articles present based on the input)
- Browsing through huge number of articles, to find the most closest one w.r.t. your task, you can use tf-idf based matrix multiplication to achieve it very quickly
- For queries where your model fail to predict the right class (sentiments/intents etc.), this repo can help you identify queries which is of similar pattern or use same type of vocab
- To merge similar type of patterns/documents since it's always better to have more discernible group
- By leveraging text pre-processing options like stemming, lemmitization. The advantage of using them upfront is to not only reduce the matrix sparsity but also help with more informed similarity matching using lemma/root of the word (which might get missed out due to inflectional endings)
- Using different techniques of text vectorization
- Binary Term Frequency
- Bag of Words(BoW) Term Frequency
- L1 Normalized Term Frequency
- L2 Normalized tf-idf (currently in use)
- Word2Vec (kindly have a look at genesim for pre-trained embeddings)
- flairNLP library (entials most of the available pre-learned embeddings)
- Using semantic similarity from pre-trained language models (bert, albert , transformer based model etc). Find implemention with BERT👉
Data set is all about "Medium Articles", A collection of articles on ML, AI and data science. Download link 👉