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joachimbrand committed Nov 25, 2023
1 parent 03c1d93 commit 18ca359
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 42 deletions.
120 changes: 78 additions & 42 deletions src/lomc.jl
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Expand Up @@ -137,18 +137,18 @@ function QMCState(
hamiltonian, v;
laststep = 100,
shift = float(valtype(v))(diagonal_element(
shift = float(valtype(v))(diagonal_element(hamiltonian, first(keys(localpart(v)))))
s_strat::ShiftStrategy=DoubleLogUpdate(; targetwalkers),
maxlength= 2 * _n_walkers(v, s_strat) + 100, # padding for small walker numbers
Expand All @@ -162,9 +162,15 @@ function QMCState(
if !isnothing(dτ)
if !isnothing(shift)
params.shift = shift

if threading nothing
@warn "Threading has been removed. Ignoring `threading=$threading`."
@warn "Starting vector is provided. Ignoring `threading=$threading`."
if starting_address nothing
@warn "Starting vector is provided. Ignoring `starting_address=$starting_address`."
wm = isnothing(wm) ? working_memory(v) : wm

Expand All @@ -189,7 +195,7 @@ function QMCState(

# Allow setting step and laststep from QMCState.
# Allow setting step, laststep, dτ, shift from QMCState.
function Base.getproperty(state::QMCState, key::Symbol)
if key == :step
step = state.replicas[1].params.step
Expand All @@ -199,6 +205,10 @@ function Base.getproperty(state::QMCState, key::Symbol)
return laststep
elseif key == :maxlength
return getfield(state, :maxlength)[]
elseif key == :dτ
return state.replicas[1].params.
elseif key == :shift
return state.replicas[1].params.shift
return getfield(state, key)
Expand All @@ -214,6 +224,16 @@ function Base.setproperty!(state::QMCState, key::Symbol, value)
r.params.laststep = value
return value
elseif key == :dτ
for r in state.replicas
r.params.= value
return value
elseif key == :shift
for r in state.replicas
r.params.shift = value
return value
elseif key == :maxlength
getfield(state, :maxlength)[] = value
return value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,45 +283,27 @@ end
lomc!(state::QMCState, [df]; kwargs...) -> df, state
Linear operator Monte Carlo: Perform a projector quantum Monte Carlo simulation for
determining the lowest eigenvalue of `ham`. `v` can be a single starting vector. The default
choice is
determining the lowest eigenvalue of `ham`. The details of the simulation are controlled by
the optional keyword arguments and by the type of the optional starting vector `v`.
Alternatively, a `QMCState` can be passed in to continue a previous simulation.
v = PDVec(starting_address(ham) => 10; style=IsStochasticInteger())
if threading is available or
# Common keyword arguments and defaults:
v = DVec(starting_address(ham) => 10; style=IsStochasticInteger())
otherwise. It triggers the integer walker FCIQMC algorithm. See [`PDVec`](@ref),
[`DVec`](@ref) and [`StochasticStyle`](@ref).
# Keyword arguments, defaults, and precedence:
* `params::FciqmcRunStrategy = RunTillLastStep(laststep = 100, dτ = 0.01, shift =
diagonal_element(ham, starting_address(ham)))` -
basic parameters of simulation state, see [`FciqmcRunStrategy`](@ref); is mutated
* `laststep` - can be used to override information otherwise contained in `params`
* `s_strat::ShiftStrategy = DoubleLogUpdate(targetwalkers = 1000, ζ = 0.08, ξ = ζ^2/4)` -
how to update the `shift`, see [`ShiftStrategy`](@ref)
* `maxlength = 2 * s_strat.targetwalkers + 100` - upper limit on the length of `v`; when
reached, `lomc!` will abort
* `laststep = 100` - controls the number of steps.
* `dτ = 0.01` - time step.
* `shift = diagonal_element(ham, starting_address(ham))` - initial value of shift.
* `targetwalkers = 1000` - target for the 1-norm of the coefficient vector.
* `style = IsStochasticInteger()` - set [`StochasticStyle`](@ref) for default `v`; unused
if `v` is specified.
* `starting_address = starting_address(ham)` - set starting address for default `v`; unused
if `v` is specified.
* `threading = true` - use multithreading if available; unused if `v` is specified.
* `post_step::NTuple{N,<:PostStepStrategy} = ()` - extract observables (e.g.
[`ProjectedEnergy`](@ref)), see [`PostStepStrategy`](@ref).
* `replica::ReplicaStrategy = NoStats(1)` - run several synchronised simulation, see
* `replica::ReplicaStrategy = NoStats(1)` - run several synchronised simulations, see
* `r_strat::ReportingStrategy = ReportDFAndInfo()` - how and when to report results, see
* `τ_strat::TimeStepStrategy = ConstantTimeStep()` - adjust time step dynamically, see
* `wm` - working memory; if set, it controls the use of multithreading and overrides
`threading`; is mutated
* `df = DataFrame()` - when called with `AbstractHamiltonian` argument, a `DataFrame` can
be passed into `lomc!` that will be pushed into
* `name = "lomc!"` - name displayed in progress bar (via `ProgressLogging`)
* `metadata` - user-supplied metadata to be added to the report `df`. Must be an iterable of
pairs or a `NamedTuple`, e.g. `metadata = ("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")`.
Expand All @@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ julia> add = BoseFS((1,2,3));
julia> hamiltonian = HubbardReal1D(add);
julia> df1, state = lomc!(hamiltonian);
julia> df1, state = lomc!(hamiltonian; targetwalkers=500, laststep=100);
julia> df2, _ = lomc!(state, df1; laststep=200, metadata=(;info="cont")); # Continuation run
Expand All @@ -340,16 +342,50 @@ julia> using DataFrames; metadata(df2, "info") # retrieve custom metadata
julia> metadata(df2, "hamiltonian") # some metadata is automatically added
"HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,3}((1, 2, 3)); u=1.0, t=1.0)"
# Further keyword arguments and defaults:
* `τ_strat::TimeStepStrategy = ConstantTimeStep()` - adjust time step or not, see
* `s_strat::ShiftStrategy = DoubleLogUpdate(; targetwalkers, ζ = 0.08, ξ = ζ^2/4)` -
how to update the `shift`, see [`ShiftStrategy`](@ref).
* `maxlength = 2 * s_strat.targetwalkers + 100` - upper limit on the length of `v`; when
reached, `lomc!` will abort
* `params::FciqmcRunStrategy = RunTillLastStep(laststep = 100, dτ = 0.01, shift =
diagonal_element(ham, first(keys(localpart(v))))` -
basic parameters of simulation state, see [`FciqmcRunStrategy`](@ref). Parameter values
are overridden by explicit keyword arguments `laststep`, `dτ`, `shift`; is mutated.
* `wm` - working memory for re-use in subsequent calculations; is mutated.
* `df = DataFrame()` - when called with `AbstractHamiltonian` argument, a `DataFrame` can
be passed for merging with the report `df`.
The default choice for the starting vector is
v = PDVec(starting_address => 10; style)
if threading is available or
v = DVec(starting_address => 10; style)
otherwise. It triggers the integer walker FCIQMC algorithm. See [`PDVec`](@ref),
[`DVec`](@ref) and [`StochasticStyle`](@ref).
function lomc!(ham, v; df=DataFrame(), name="lomc!", metadata=nothing, kwargs...)
state = QMCState(ham, v; kwargs...)
return lomc!(state, df; name, metadata)
function lomc!(ham; style=IsStochasticInteger(), kwargs...)
if Threads.nthreads() > 1
v = PDVec(starting_address(ham) => 10; style)
function lomc!(
if Threads.nthreads() > 1 && threading
v = PDVec(starting_address => 10; style)
v = DVec(starting_address(ham) => 10; style)
v = DVec(starting_address => 10; style)
return lomc!(ham, v; kwargs...)
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/lomc.jl
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Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,19 @@ using DataFrames
@test df.steps == [1:100; 1:100]

@testset "Setting dτ and shift" begin
add = BoseFS{5,2}((2,3))
H = HubbardReal1D(add; u=0.1)
dv = DVec(add => 1; style=IsStochasticInteger())
df, state = lomc!(H, v; laststep=0, shift=23.1, dτ=0.002)
@test state.replicas[1].params.== state.== 0.002
@test state.replicas[1].params.shift == state.shift == 23.1
state.= 0.004
@test state.replicas[1].params.== state.== 0.004
state.shift = 5.0
@test state.replicas[1].params.shift == state.shift == 5.0
@test state.replica == NoStats{1}() # uses getfield method
@testset "Setting walkernumber" begin
add = BoseFS{2,5}((0,0,2,0,0))
H = HubbardMom1D(add; u=0.5)
Expand All @@ -64,6 +77,9 @@ using DataFrames
s_strat = DoubleLogUpdate=0.05, ξ=0.05^2/4, targetwalkers=1000)
walkers = lomc!(H, copy(dv); s_strat, laststep=1000).df.norm
@test median(walkers) 1000 rtol=0.1

_, state = lomc!(H, copy(dv); targetwalkers=500, laststep=0)
@test state.s_strat.targetwalkers == 500

@testset "Replicas" begin
Expand Down

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